
Which State do you think doesn't really exist?

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I don't believe there's such a thing as a "Rhode Island".




  1. IDK, but I always thought Milwaukee was a state

  2. Hawaii

    Way out in the ocean where only people with enough money to go can see? Sounds fishy to me!

  3. Well, if its true that "seeing is believing", it would be every state west of  the Mississippi (except Minnesota and Iowa). I've never been to those states so how do I really know?

    Just kidding of course. I do have a sense of humor.

  4. you people are seriously stupid ..every state EXISTS!

    and hawaii?

    "only the rich go there"??

    open your eyes.

    they're all there; most of you just haven't gotten out of your own states!


  5. Hawaii, too far away from us to be us

  6. .. No comment.

  7. alaska... tooootally russia... lol

  8. 57 plus one, plus Alaska & Hawaii makes 60 states.

    I don't know what they are called, but I don't believe in those 10 states.

  9. Huh

  10. Suspended Animation!

  11. Wyoming!!! i always got it wrong on my states test and i wrote this on my test IT DOESNT EXIST!!!!

  12. I am pretty sure they people who live in Rhode Island would disagree with you. LoL  And since I have been to many states, and drove through many, I am pretty sure they all exist!

  13. "Canada"

    it's just not real I tell you.  Not real.

  14. i dont believe in Texas or South Dakota  

  15. theres a state named Delaware i didnt know that

  16. Um....I'm pretty sure they all exist.

  17. ?????

  18. I am in the 'state of confusion', lol

  19. I used to think Montana didn't exist until Joe and Hannah showed up.  

  20. Alaska, there is no way it should be part of the United States. It has nothing to do with us. It should be a part of Canada.

  21. I don't believe in Ohio. Also, Nevada seems like it could be a very carefully orchestrated lie...

  22. how do u not that delawarewas a state. gosh it was the first state and that where i live

  23. Alaska. It's so far away. How do I know it's even really there?

  24. Idaho

    OMG! People it's a hypothetical question! We know there are 50 states! Just answer the question, and dont criticize it. If your gonna argue with his question dont answer!

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