
Which State do you think is better to live in? California or Florida?

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Which State do you think is better to live in? California or Florida?




  1. I love Northern CA...California has many different enviorments..Mountains, beach, desert, farmland major cities...whatever you want. Florida is just hot.

  2. check you will find CA is much better, thay is why house so expensive.

  3. I have stayed in both states. I worked in Ft. Lauderdale for a year and then near San Francisco. From what I have experienced, both places are unique in their own way.

    Florida has a tropical climate. If you love beaches and like water, there are several places near the sea where you can stay. The best part is that there is no State Tax. But even then it is expensive. And on vacation, you can drive down to different places in the state. But being a storm coast, you need to be prepared to board up your place once or twice every two years or so during the storms season.

    California is much more varied as far as the culture is concerned. But again very expensive. I found that CA to be more expensive than FL. The weather is moderate to cold depending on the season. And here too there are several things you can do.

    Personally I would lean towards California.

  4. california.

    florida is a place you get bored soooo oquickly

  5. A question like this is kind of silly because both states are so big and it depends on where you end up living. A lot of people would say California right off the bat but, trust me, you'd rather live in Miami than Watts. Southern California seems to be most people's dream place to live but it's expensive, extremely populated, has illegal and legal immigration problems and suffers from high crime rates. The weather is nice, though, if you don't mind the heat (though you are asking between FL and CA so I'll assume you don't mind it). Both states in general I think have a lot in common so it will really depend on the specific area you go.

    I'm from Northern California (which is actually Central California but for whatever reason people call it Northern) and I think it was an incredible place to have been born and raised.

  6. Depends on which part of what state.

    Florida is warm which works for me. Miami is a partying place so you will not get bored. If you have money, you can do Key West. There are a lot of beaches. There are also a lot of places you can live cheaply.

    California....depending on where you live/go...has more seasonal weather. I personally did not like too much. I did get raped by a drunk one-eyed L*****n out there though. Not much to look forward to.

    whatever you decide...enjoy

  7. California!! It is not as muggy or humid. It's also nicer :]

  8. florida that is were i live and i am right now...the weather can be great sometimes...but its hot out thats why we dont go outside...

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