
Which Statement is TRUE>?

by  |  earlier

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1.Statement 4 is false

2.Statement 9 is true

3.The above statement is true

4.The below statement is false

5.Statement 8 is false

6.The above statement is true

7.The next 2 statements are true

8.Statement 6 is false

9.The below statement is false

10.Statement 8 is true

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  1. F 1.Statement 4 is false

    F 2.Statement 9 is true

    F 3.The above statement is true

    T 4.The below statement is false

    F 5.Statement 8 is false

    F 6.The above statement is true

    F 7.The next 2 statements are true

    F 8.Statement 6 is false

    F 9.The below statement is false

    F 10.Statement 8 is true

    you can eliminate all the ones that say a different statement is true because only one statement can be true..

    so that takes out 2,3,6,7, & 10.

    Then you get to number 7 which is a false statement and it says that the next 2 statements are true... so that eliminates 8 & 9

    number 6 says that the above statement is true.. but its a false statement... meaning that Statement 5 must be false

    This makes Statement 4 TRUE.. leaving Statement 1 false..

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