
Which Sweden Universities offer postgraduate scholarship in Environment's Field?

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Which Sweden Universities offer postgraduate scholarship in Environment's Field?




  1. Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesDepartment of Ecology and Environmental Research, Uppsala

    The Department of Ecology and Environmental Research ( conducts research focused on systems ecology and forest ecology. The final objective of all research carried out is to enhance our understanding of ecosystems and their processes. At present the department consists of some 23 employees; 11 of which are senior and post-doc scientists and 7 PhD students.

    We now would like to enlarge our research group by adding a PhD student in ecology and environmental science with focus on soil ecology.

    The research project, where the PhD student will be involved, focuses on studying differences in soil carbon sequestration between pine, spruce and birch stands. The overall aim of this project is to compare soil C fluxes and the accumulation of soil organic carbon under spruce, pine and birch forests. The study will be carried out by the combined use of soil-C pool determinations, root litter and DOC flux determinations, 14C measurements, and modelling to understand the dynamics of the soil-C pools in pine, spruce and birch stands. The research is of basic character but applications of the results of the project will be of interest for the Swedish commitment to the Kyoto protocol.

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