
Which TNA's Knockouts and WWE's Divas would Sarah Palin beat in a pro wrestling match?

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Which TNA's Knockouts and WWE's Divas would Sarah Palin beat in a pro wrestling match?




  1. What the h**l is with you and Sarah Palin?

  2. Hahaha  This is a funny hoagie!  I'll bite (pun intended) and say Palin would beat Velvet Sky.  She was beat in a few seconds a couple times in a row a few weeks ago by Sailor Moon...oops I mean Taylor Wilde.  Hoagie to YOU!  Hockey Moms rule!  

  3. Who?  Sarah Palin?  Please ask a real question.

  4. first you asked who have a better mic skill sarah umaga or khali

    now your asking another stupid question. what you don't have anything to do?

  5. what kind of stupid question is that none of them!

  6. She is a hockey mom, remember that is all she ever says.  Bah Bah and Bah.  

  7. Hornswoggle. In a dress.

  8. All of them. Two points.

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