
Which Television Is Better?

by  |  earlier

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i bought a proscan 42" 1080p lcd the other day from sears. i went there today and seen they had a 42" panasonic 720p plasma with 480hz. which one is better. also, what is 480hz. thanks.




  1. The "green" answer is to go with the LCD that you have.  They consume less power than a plasma and run cooler.

    480hz refers to a "sub field" drive that helps with fast action motion... all in all not a bad set, but my preference is still LCD.

  2. Most HD signals have resolution of 1080i (1,080 lines scanned in two passes then interlaced to form an image) or 720p (720 lines scanned progressively, in one sweep). And good luck. Both are very good for a price tag.

  3. Dude I dont know what you are sayin

  4. Hands down panasonic all the way,

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