
Which U.S university is best for an international student studying business?

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choices are between ohio state university, Purdue university, Tulane university, University of oregon, university of richmond, northen arizona uni and state univeristy of new york at new paltz...

for both good education and fun...

im from Australia so dont know if cold weather is my thing, wouldnt mind experiencing the college sport experience, and defiantely keen for keg parties!

probly would be stayin on campus aswell so good dorms would be nice.





  1. Honestly, you haven't been given very exciting choices here. I would have said Tulane hands down if New Orleans wasn't still a mess. Of the schools it's the only location that might be interesting to an international sudent. All the rest are in the middle of nowhere and none are known for business.

    Of these I'd choose Richmond for the weather and location.

    Can't you just apply to any school for a one year exchange and choose something in or around interesting parts of the States: NYC, Boston, SF, LA, etc? Good business schools in those areas: NYU, Boston College, Berkeley, USC.

  2. Well of those Universities the warmest weather you'd find would be in Arizona.

    With all that being said my personal suggestions to you would be Ohio State University especially for the sports. (academics being a close second) As far as partying goes you could pick almost any college in the United States of America (except for our bible colleges) and find some killer parties. If there is one thing us Americans do right, it's through a killer college keg party.

    Purdue University would be my first pick as far as academics go but their sports programs aren't great.

    I'd say stick with those two and you are almost guaranteed to get a good education and have a lot of fun as well.

  3. I would not recommend SUNY at New Paltz (I will probably get shouted at but that is my opinion).  I would pick Oregon from those because Eugene is a neat place.  But look at it on a map.  It can be cold and definitely wet!

    Tulane would be a good choice but New Orleans is still a mess.  As a foreigner, I would recommend somewhere in a major city, such as New York, Boston, Chicago, LA, Philadelphia, San Fran etc.

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