
Which UK newspaper is the worst and why?

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Which UK newspaper is the worst and why?




  1. The News of the World is the WORST 'Newspaper' because it is > 100%+ C**p ! During the Second World War yesterday's Newspaper was used as today's Toilet Paper ! A hole would be punched through a corner & a loo+p of string put through it so that the Newspaper could be hung up on a Nail stuck in the Outside Toilet wall & a sheet torn off when you wanted to wipe your A**e ! At least 'The Sun' has a pretty woman pictured on Page 3 to redeem it !

  2. Is there a choice they are all as bad as each other.  As long as they can sell the papers they will put whatever in them.

  3. The daily mail because it is boring!

  4. Many are full of hate. But I would say that the Sun is the worst, despite lovely pictures it produces. Which reminds me about the s****t SS officer in the Treblinka death camp, Kurt Hubert Franz, whose nickname was Doll.

  5. The Sun and News of the World.

    Both are sensationalist and print junk news, kiss and tells, etc. I wouldn't waste my money on either of them.

  6. News of the World  and The Sun.

    It's quite laughable the things they have in there.

  7. news of the world its all about what the so called stars are doing, how boring is that.

  8. Torn between The Sun or News of the World; they're both infamous for twisting words and fabricating news.

  9. News of the World because it doesn't have any actual News in it!

  10. the sun, lies lies lies.

  11. Toss up between the Mirror and the Guardian both are terribly bitter and hate filled!!!

  12. News of the world. They just distort news. Once they claimed that a gallery was showing pictures that would incite paedophiles. And they printed the pictures in their paper!

  13. I agree, The Sun and the News of the World

  14. The Sport because it is full of c**p

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