It's sort of a "what-if" question. Let's say there's a military r&d facility with cca 2.500 personell in Nebraska and all of a sudden cca 200 terrorists manage to infiltrate this facility and engage in a conflict with guards. How long it would take for US military to send reinforcements to this location and what kind of? I'm thinking maybe paratroopers or special forces first with helicopters and aircraft? How soon do you think they could arrive?
Reason for asking is Half Life 1 game, where you can see marines with howitzers, tanks, assault helicopters and fighter aircraft engaging a hostile force (aliens in this case, but terrorists sounds more realistic).
So, what do you think a response of US army would be on this type of incident and what would the time frame be? (air strikes - 1hr? special forces-10hrs?, airborne 24 hrs? How about heavy equipment like tanks?)