
Which US President was the best?

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Who did the most for America? The Bushes were war Criminals, Nixon and Truman were fascists, Lincoln was a hypocrite, Clinton was a sleazebag, Wilson and Roosevelt were war mongers.

Who did the most for America which didn't include either war or racing Russia to space?




  1. Lincoln was the best president.  He simply saved the country.  Think where you would be today.  A lot of you young people should go and read a lot of American history.  You say things off the top of your head without doing any research.

  2. Regan...he was amusing at best.

  3. You can take any President an accuse them of any petty things such as what you're doing, doesn't take away from their contributions to America and the world.

    Lincoln, whether or not you think he's a hypocrite (Who honestly isn't?) he did stand up for what he believed in, and he did his best to create freedom for everyone.  You can't possibly imagine the tough situation he was in, he sacrificed from the Civil War more then he benefited from it, yet he still did the right thing.  He won the war, united the country, and created a movement that would ultimately end with the equality of every American.  

    If you deny all that just because he was a "hypocrite", then you seriously need to grow up.

  4. To be honest none of them all the american presidents were hypocrites and d-bags,I will choose Lincoln Or Clinton any day..

    The worst of all time would be Richard Nixon (who believed whatever the b*****d kissinger said)  or the Monkey Bush .

    Reagan is vastly over-rated and people can't call me and others communist just because we state our opinions about Reagan.National debt rate increased drastically. His budget deficit was triple amount of Jimmy Carter's. The communism in Russia was already dying before Reagan became president.

    Wow I didn't know FDR was a D-bag.

  5. Reagan! He ended the Cold War. started our economic rise and prosperity, made the U.S. government smaller, and improved our military to the finest in the World. Plus, he was a Republican!

  6. each president had his victories and defeats, and each was given a different set of circumstances with which to deal.  with a small turn of fate, washington could have looked very foolish, lincoln could have lost the war, kennedy could have started massive nuclear war.  i don't think we judge presidents very well because we judge them on the history of the times, and we may never know the "behind the cutain" activities that saved us from war, poverty, colapse, etc.  it's easier fo me to rate presidents that i believe where bad, or made historic errors.  i think truman will go down as a wicked man for dropping the atomic bomb on civilian targets, i think clinton will go down as removing the public image of high regard from the office, nixon, even though i doubt he did any worse than many, will go down as the original "criminal president".  

    when i try to decide on a great president i look for leadership in a time of adversity, and making the right decisions, even when it is difficult to do, even if it kills you off personally, and politically.  i look to someone who reaches across the alley, but doesn't cave, someone who is careful with words and personal action, someone who is willing to consult others in the areas he is weak, and will let his underlings do their job without micromanagement.  there is also a natural feel for the job, how a person carries themselves, deals with other leaders.

    ok everyone, get your thumbs down button ready, i don't know if he's the best, but george bush has to be near the top.

  7. Funny you mention Roosevelt as a War monger.  We stayed out of WWII from 1939-1941 when we were attacked by Japan and then Germany declaring war on us.  Sure he served as President during war, however, he also lead this country out of the Depression.  He was a Democrat, not like the crazy loons that call themselves the same name we have now.

    Lincoln - United the Country, ended slavery.

    Woodrow Wilson was a progressive (Very much like Obama)


  9. Washington.

  10. You really need to read a history book.

  11. Jimmy Carter the most moral president this nation ever had!

  12. Not many seemed to like him at the time , but history has made Regan look pretty good so far.

  13. George W. Bush then maybe George Washington

  14. ((~RR~)) Ronald Regan!!

  15. Gerald Ford .

    He did not wage any war and his accomplishments were many compared to the time he had in office , which was only 3 years .

    He stopped the war in Vietnam in 1995 . and he stopped the support for the apartheid regime in South Africa . and started what we call now the G8 summits . he gave a boost to the sports life in the US , because he himself was a prominent player one day .

    I think if he was not the best president he may have been one of the best .

  16. Ronald Regan

  17. Both Roosevelts

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