
Which VP choice gains more electoral votes, Biden or Romney?

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Which VP choice gains more electoral votes, Biden or Romney?




  1. If McCain chooses Romney, he loses the election for sure.  He might lose anyway, but Romney seals that deal.  There are hundreds of thousands who won't vote with Mormon on the ticket.

  2. I think Biden. Romney will be to busy to campaign. He'll be down at the dump shooting varmints..."if you will."

  3. Romney

  4. Romney of course & in the debates he will wipe the floor with Biden

  5. Romney. he brings NM, NV, and CO safely back in to the GOP column, and perhaps Michigan. Biden brings nothing. Biden doesn't even take advantage of Romney's mormonism, which woulda hurt him in the south. Biden is unknown to most non-political junkies, and doesn't help in Ohio or Florida. No one cares where you were born, so he doesn't help with Pennsylvania. Romney may help in NH too. Biden is an awful choice. I pray for a DNC floor fight. Barack Hussein Obama has betrayed us for the last time.

  6. Biden of course. I'm so sorry, but there's something wrong with Romney.

  7. Romney.  Deleware has 3 electoral votes.  

  8. Biden. Romney's a nutty Morman.

  9. I doubt a liberal Massachusetts will vote for McCain. Remember, when Mitt ran for governor, he was a left leaning Rep

  10. Biden. Romney will gain laughs not votes.

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