
Which VP nominee will do a better job of supporting their President, Palin or Obama?

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Which VP nominee will do a better job of supporting their President, Palin or Obama?




  1. Lol :-)

  2. Well I dont know how you are planning to vote, Hopefully this is not just to cause hate rants, but to learn.  I will tell you what I think and is backed up by fact.

    Joe Biden is a senator for Dela-where?  The second smallest state in the union.  All of its natural resources are under water during high tide.  Alaska is almost twice as large as the next largest state, Texas.  Also, Biden and Obama were enemies at one point.  Biden ran for presidency too.  Biden openly said he was not seeking the VP seat and did not want it.  Also, depending on who you are and your opinion which republicans respect unlike you people, Biden said racist remarks about Obama Also, without a doubt he said racist remarks about Indian Americans.  So you have a racist against whites and a racist against all people running for president together.  BUTTTTT of course republicans are racist.

    Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996, then won two terms as mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004 while also serving as Ethics Supervisor of the commission.

    In November 2006, Palin was elected the governor of Alaska, becoming the first woman and youngest person to hold the office.

    Barrack Hussein Obama served in Illinois state senate from 1997-2004, then in the Senate from 2005 till I would say the end of 2007 because he hasn’t done anything sinse he decided he wanted to run for presidency.  Here is the thing, Hillary was supposed to get the VP ticket, all we are doing is pulling votes from hillary supporters and pulling votes from Oprah followers.  It was a smart move, she is qualifies for the job.

  3. Palin is running for VP Obama is running for President.

    Biden is the other VP candidate.


  4. Yikes!!  Obama is NOT running for vice president.  Palin has more governemnt experience and if you read what she says, you will probably decide she and McCain are the best choce.

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