
Which VP selection was worse? Biden or Palin.?

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Do you think either choice will cost or gain votes for either candidate?




  1. When you watch the debates, it will be clear. Palin is a bad choice. I almost wish she wasn't chosen, so that the debates will be more interesting.

  2. Biden was the worst, he represents all the same curruption in government and heck he has a 6% approval rating in the Senate with his liberal buddies.  What have they done for us but bring us down in the last two years and they wont drill!  

    Palin represents fresh, new and takes no bs from anyone.  She will help to bring the positive change America needs.  First fire the Senators and the Congress and start from scratch.  

  3. Both choice had their advantages for the candidates. Biden gives Obama the experience he needs behind him, and Palin opens up room for a lot of new voters for McCain. There's going to be good and bads for anyone they chose, you just have to decide which qualities you need most.

  4. I don't think either will cost or gain votes but Biden was a worse choice.  He is basically an old white version of Obama.  He can help him in politicking but that's it.  Palin is a nice contrast to McCain: young, female and conservative..

  5. Backstabbing Biden, of course!!  He (Biden) backstabs Obama and runs him in the ground, but yet, gullible Obama picks that forked tongue idiot over Hillary.  After all the endorsing the Clintons did for him, Obama shuns Hillary and chooses a backstabber instead - go figure!!

  6. Obama chose an experienced leader that can lead America is a heartbeat and adds outstanding balance to his administration.

    McCain's pick was typical of Rovean politics. I saw her speech today. McCain doesn't have enough time to polish her up. She's going to get crushed in the debates by Biden.

    Bottomline: Obama played it safe. Smart move. McCain took a HUGE risk just to win an election, not lead America. I don't believe it will work out to his advantage.  

  7. Palin is the kind of woman I would love to see in office... Hilary was not.

    Biden was a desperate attempt for Obama to show some foreign policy.

    People keep trying to say McCain should eat his words on inexperience... thats not true because Palin is a VP not President. Obama is less qualified unexperienced and hes the PRESIDENTIAL candidate!

    If Obama picked Hilary he may have had a shot due to number of supporters but at this point its McCain's game

  8. Usually which ever candidate has their convention first gets a little bump up in the polls. The selection of Biden stopped the Obama momentum in it's tracks.

    We know relatively little about Palin.  Biden, however, has already shown America on several occasions that he is a lying, plagiarizing, no class, bum.

  9. Biden This is what happens when you let rich Iranians dictate your choice.Obama is done.

  10. Biden; for Obama was running as an outsider and picked the ultimate insider;

    McCain is trying to run "away" from the Bush legacy and has picked the governor that lives the 2nd most distance away from Washington DC (Hawaii would have been the most distant).

  11. Biden is far worse - you want to be the candidate of change so you pick a Washington insider who has been around since Nixon.  Yeah, nice one...

  12. The Biden choice was safer: Much more experienced and not facing criminal charges in Alaska. (Or at all).

  13. Biden without a doubt.

    He said a LOT of negative things about Obama that the Republicans will be bringing up.

  14. I think they were both smart political moves for both candidates.

    Their picks were meant to catch the attention of two completely different groups of people and it's working remarkably.

  15. Palin.  It reveals a tendency for taking high risks and/or poor judgment.

  16. Biden - Amused!

    Palin - Bemused!!

    Equally Bad!!!

  17. Biden can't really hurt.  I'm not sure if he'll help too much, be not hurting in a first step.

    Palin could very well hurt McCain.  With the addition of Palin, this means that there is a serious lack of economic understanding on the ticket.  Since McCain has already said that he really doesn't know too much about economic issues, she should have definitely gone after Romney, or even Pawlenty.

    McCain also loses the "Experience over judgment" argument against Obama.  The first time he accuses Obama of not having enough experience, they'll just hold up a picture of Palin.

    [Added] I am going to feel sorry for her during the V.P. debate.  Biden will likely squash her that night.

  18. First off Biden was an excellent pick, he couldn't have done better.  So that leaves Palin, a very sorry choice on McCains part, he just lost the election!

    Obama 08

  19. Biden .... big time  ...... s/b an interesting election

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