
Which Vampire is willing to turn me into one, too?

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Only because I truly want this, and I know that most of you will think i´m stupid, or dramatic or overriacting about my life, but I truly want matter what! And I don´t care what anyone thinks. So, who´s going to do it for me?




  1. I'm no vampire, but i'm pale and I might have rabies. Does that count? If so i'll do it. But only because I don't like you. And because I have been fed nothing but hot dogs and hamburger helper for the last week and I'm going to die of dysentary here soon I think.

  2. i really think you need to grow up and  stop watching interview with a vampire .

    vampires don't exist just troubled teenagers who want to get noticed because they have nothing else going for them . instead of finding something constructive to do they do stupid things like drink some other kids blood and make believe that its a "magic"experience.

    They end up losers for life , the subject of all jokes by their peers and flip burgers for the rest of their life and that's a mild outcome , lets not bring in AIDS and hepatitis.


  3. you cant turn into one you have to be born one

  4. why do you want to its initiation is that of rape but once in ther is no way out at least gangs give beat outs but once a vampire all ways a vampire you'll drink blood of coven and if you betray ther laws they hunt you down and the nice ones they let the demon haunt you and demons have no mercy plus it criminal behavior they do such as baby factory killings satanic ritual abuse and most vampire that are tame and mild still have the chance of getting a sexual disses as you have to mingle with over coven sexually  be pimped out like a prostitute and thers coven wars it a gang battle for subprimacey or you could engage in serial killer behavior and get locked up or if your role player wanna be you still could wind up a psyco but ther still the chance youl meet the violent kind and not peacful kind stay away ther are still vamp hunters ther are some peacful vamps but still your more likely to meet a evil one

  5. Are you only influenced of wanting to being a vampire because of Twilight?  

  6. ....okay. there are two ways i am willing to do this. the first way you can do by yourself easily, the second you cannot. email me.

  7. I know just the person to turn you into one but after you meet her, you must go though with your desire.  She lives at148 Juniper Ridge in Waterbury Ct. I have heard that the ones who do not keep their promise are affected with permanent sores on their faces.  I once went by her house about 3 years ago and all the curtains were closed and a big dog was laying on the front porch.

  8. No vampires can change you into one.  You are either born as one or you aren't.

  9. You won't find any "real" vampyre willing to "turn" you. Modern vampirism is a metaphysical condition that you are born with.. You can't contract it from being  bitten- that's just a myth. I think you are referring to vampires in folklore, which don't exist.

  10. You should get a tattoo instead. It should be across your forehead and read "future rape victim".

    ADD: Vampires are real, but they are nothing like the movies or TV. Their are many types of creatures that live off taking life force from others, and none of them care for their victims any more than a flock, most less than that.

    Find yourself a clean dom who can pretend to be your romantic vampire, but watch out for sleazes that use your romantic ideas to just get you into bed.

  11. good for u.but there is a chance that u could lose ur soul.I think people who want to be vamps,havent heard about Jesus.Jesus will u give u immortality upon death.My advice is go talk to a member of the Churches of Christ.

  12. Why would you want to be a vampire anyway? They drink blood. That's pretty nasty...and unhealthy. What if the person has HIV or AIDS or something like that?

    And, besides, aren't you supposed to have one drink your blood, then you drink their blood? Which isn't possible over the Internet, and isn't safe to arrange with complete strangers--what if they say they're going to turn you into a vampire, then show up and rape you or just kill you?

    Vampires aren't real, anyway...

    EDIT: Lord Bearclaw of Gryphon Woods, I LOVE your answer. You're my new anti-vampire hero!! Lol.

    EDIT: Thank you, Bearclaw, thumbs up for you too!

  13. honey it doesnt quite work like are either born that way or you are not...and it is incredibly painful to change someone and dont say that you could put up with really have no idea.

    It is not like Twilight! can you imagine watching your family grow old and die while you stay the same? do you really want them to endure the pain? Its not worth it...if I could i would change but I have always been this way.

    Email me if you have questions.

  14. Cut and paste time, it's too much work writing this out for the nth time this week, so here we go. There are no real vampires, because they don't exist. Period. There are no real vampires, undead, psi, sanguinarian, vampyre, or otherwise. The Law of Averages is pretty easy to apply to this one, not to mention the fact that there is NO scientific evidence of such, plus the fact that if vampires did exist, they would reproduce at an exponential rate, and would completely take over the planet in less than five years time. Do the math. As none of this is happening, the answer is logically that vampires do not exist. There are people who suffer from iron deficiencies, porphyria, hypersensitivity to sunlight, etc. all the classic hallmarks of vampirism, but are not vampires.

    Btw, for every self-professed "vampire" out there, you do realize you meet all the criteria for co-dependency as well as being defined as clinically out of touch with reality? And the educated ones should know better. I guarantee you that if I were to isolate you from all other human beings, you would not suffer any ill effects from being "deprived" of the human "energy" you claim to need. You also must realize that there is no scientific proof to back up your claims of energy or psi vampirism? And the ones with blood donors are even worse - deluding themselves into passing off an obvious sexual fetish as a physiological need. The human body is not designed to process large amounts of blood for nutrition - it just doesn't work that way. And yes, you're human - if I took a sample of your DNA - guess what? You'll be human, no "vampirical virus",no mutations, no alien lifeform, no altered chromosomes, etc. Trust me - if I isolated you from your "donors" and fed you a vegetarian diet with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fats you would suffer no ill effects. Why? Because you're not vampires. You just think you are - all it is is a psychological delusion born of perceived social inadequacies. For instance - look at all the self-professed female "vampires" out there - what do you think happens when they get pregnant? They go to the hospital, like everyone else, have blood drawn, get put on a special diet, etc. etc. - and suffer no ill effects, nor does their bloodwork show ANYTHING out of the ordinary. Eventually the truth of their reality sinks in and they stop putting on the white makeup, and the false fangs, and start going to soccer practice with their kids and hopefully living a normal life. When held to the light of truth the delusion starts to crack and cannot long be maintained

    Edit: Why, thank you, Audball! Thumbs up!!!

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