
Which WWE wrestlers are being used wrong?

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My opinion:

Undertaker- he didn't climb all the way to the top of the ladder just to feud with the second-rate Edge. I think lately his only good opponent has been Batista

Rey Mysterio- that's only if he doesn't come back. If he comes back and faces Kane, fine.

Jericho- after he came back he wasn't doing well as a face and him being a heel isn't helping. He used to be SO electriying, reminded me of the Rock.

Shawn Michaels- I personally think he should become a heel again because I'm tired of his face routine.




  1. Kane

    Rey Mysterio


    Triple H



    Charlie Haas

    Pryme Tyme

    Matt Striker

    Santino Marella


    Ron Simmons/Farooq

  2. I agree with most of you on most of it...

    Ken Kennedy has the skills and charisma to be a HUGE player in the game.

    Jericho is not good as this kinda heel... I liked his Steph McMahon stuff etc.

    I think Regal is a good heel, but not the kind that turns the lights out... man I hated him for that.

    I don't think Edge is a bad opponent for Undertaker, but I am not sure this Vickie/Edge thing was the right choice for him. He could easily battle Taker as normal etc without the Los Family thingy!

    HBK is the only one I really disagree with ~ sorry!

    I think he is good as a face and for what I have read/understand he is too into "being an open book" for that to change. Although I think HBK as part of DX would be a better way to use him (and HHH) they somehow just worked together!

    The whole DX rule break not caring thingy worked well for both...

  3. John Cena - He could be so much better than he is at the minute, at the minute he comes out and does the nearly same thing every week and the marine gimmick is going stale now. Everyone is begging WWE to turn him back into the doctor of thuganomics/rapping gimmick because it suits him better and he got more of a crowd reaction than he does now. It appealed to a more mature fanbase, now this marine gimmick is attracting the majority of 12 year olds and under, whereas his previous even attracted the likes of 16 year olds.

    Plus he's a face and he gets booed; that's just plain pathetic, the way it is meant to work is that the faces get cheered and the heels get booed. But it's working a whole different way in this situation. Although you can hear a hoard of cheers from the crowd, you can sometimes still slightly even hear the boos, h**l in some cases with Cena you could easily hear the boos, like these events for instance:

    But to keep John Cena's respect intact which he kinda deserves, I have wrote this:

    John Cena because he is fun, funny, charismatic, a good brawler and powerhouse and knows how to get a crowd hyped up.

    For all John Cena haters I have found a way to debunk all of your comments:

    You all say these about John Cena:

    1. His title reign was far too long and he gets too many title shots: Triple H, The Rock and JBL's title reigns went on for ages and I don't hear you complain about them. They also get (Except The Rock) loads of title shots and you seem to leave those superstars out when you criticise Cena. And it isn't like every match he gets is a main event, contender or title match.

    2. His moveset is boring, he has a limited no. of moves and uses the same ones nearly every single match: Hey have you seen the people who use really simple moves like just punches and simple grapples like Mark Henry and Big Daddy V. Their movesets are hardly amusing, at least Cena puts some effort into his moves. Yet you fail to abuse them like you do to Cena. Plus John Cena is sometimes a mid carder with the jbl feud. In addition it is partly the trainers fault regarding Cena's moveset.

    3. His marine gimmick is c**p: Changing his gimmick is good because it gives the fans something new, although his previous gimmick attracted more older fans and I prefer it, the wwe company partly told him how to do his gimmick.

    In addition, how can you say that he gets the h**l booed out of him when he has a h**l of a lot of hype going and probably the most merchandise going.

    Also his mic skills and charisma are outstanding, after all that is what wwe mostly about! More than wrestling abilty I think!

    I think Cena has:



    -technical skill

    -mic skill


    -overall skill

    People just want him to turn heel because they think he has been a good guy for far too long and his heel character appeals to older fans whereas his new one mostly appeals to younger fans.

    But I still like him as my favourite wrestler, even though I would love it if he changed to his thuganomics gimmick again since I think it was better, more interesting and it appealed to my age more.

    But nonetheless, I think he is a fantastic wrestler.

    So if WWE reading this; please turn John Cena heel and back into the doctor of thuganomics for the sake of his fanbase, popularity and respect.

    Thank you very much.

    Jericho - He's a mid - carder at the minute, I know that feud with Shawn Michaels was unreal and if it does start again it would be great, but as soon as it's finished, since every feud needs to end, it cannot go on forever, he should move on to being a main eventer. He's very charismatic and has great wrestling ability.

    Kane - Ever since he lost the ECW championship and a bit before that, he wasn't a main eventer or a top mid carder, and he should be since his wrestling ability seems to entertain me and others, plus he gets great crowd reactions as a face or heel.

    Mr Kennedy - He should be working his way to main events and title shots now but it seems like he has another thing coming with the storylines.

    Shawn Michaels - Similar to Jericho's reason.

  4. Finley- was better & solid as a heel but now with this stupid gimmick teaming up with Hornswoggle, he has just lost his impact!

  5. I completely agree with you on Shawn Michaels. The WWE has taken the emphasis of putting the belt of wrestlers developing rather then the best to get them credibility. To me the best should always be the champ and Shawn Michaels as a heel would be the best champ for WWE right now.

    I kind of agree with Undertaker and Rey Mysterio but the fact they've both been out constantly with injuries over the last couple of years means they have never come back for long enough to move onto different feuds. Also there's no one really credible enough on Smackdown for Undertaker to fued with apart from Edge.  

    Now I also agree with Jericho being a face and if Shawn Michaels was the heel champ then we would have something worth watching!  

  6. i agree with you mainly on the undertaker part

  7. Ric"nature boy" Flair--should get back in the ring--he is great

  8. william regal hes a great mat wrestler. but thet give him a bad chance .

  9. I agree with what you said,

    That and Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang are WAY underrated.  

  10. KEN KENNEDY! He has the potential to be the WWE Champ,he recently suffered an injury but open his return he should be in the title hunt. Also Kane deserves a World title run seeing that he was WWE Champ for only one night in 1998. Plus his ECW title reign was as a face n if Kane was a heel n World Champ it'd be entertaining to watch I bet.

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