
Which Web Hosting is better?

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I am now currently using Windows webhosting system. However, my computer programmer recommends me using Linux webhosting system. Which is a better choice? Linux or Windows? Thanks.




  1. It depends on what kind of website you are going to make. You can check review of top ten web hosting service providers at website like .

  2. LINUX

  3. linux is cheaper to use because it is open source and therefore more popular so there are more programs made for it, giving you more choices later on.

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  4. It really depends on what database server and programming language your scripts are using.

    If you are using ASP or ASP.NET C# or VB, and SQLserver you will need to be running on a windows server, otherwise, if you're running perl, PHP or anything else with MYSQL, PostGres etc, Linux is the way to go

  5. Linux for sure, windows is only needed if you absolutely must use ASP.NET, and there is no good reason for that.

  6. For me I'm using Windows

  7. Depends on what you do (Windows: ASP.NET and SQL Server vs. Linux: php,perl, mySQL), or if you run any open-source packages such as Joomla, Drupal, etc. (Linux) or Community Server (Windows) but there's no need to choose as you can get both with Netfirms -

  8. As an experienced webmaster I recommend take a look at:

    I’m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. If you had any question just email me.

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