
Which Would Win an Argument, Religion or Science?

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Beliefs vs Evidence

The Bible vs The Textbook

Worldwide Faith or Solitary Facts

If any of the above were to happen, which would win an argument?

Has religion ever won over science?

Has science ever won over religion?




  1. It depends on who is the judge.

  2. has that slight advantage of being true...


    Let's put it like wins, but religion steals the trophy.

  3. Evidence


    Solitary Fact

    Science wins over religion always.

  4. There should be a law that prohibits Theists from seeing doctors.  Then we'll see if religion would win over science

  5. Stalemate

    yep Stalemate

  6. The only time religion wins is in a Theocratic gov't. And that's not by argument, it's by "you're wrong, I'm right"

  7. They must come together and balance each other out. I do not get what all the fight is about. By religion I do not mean dogma, but gaining awareness from personal revelations. Neither one is 100% truth

  8. Science as it has more facts!!

  9. Individual Opinion.

  10. Science does not "win."

    The Bible does not "win."

    Science and the Bible can coexist completely and absolutely.  Anybody who would argue one over the other is trying to prove a different point (eg. using science to disprove God, using God to justify illogical actions).

    Both support one another.

  11. That's like asking someone who only speaks Spanish and someone who only speaks Japanese to have a discussion.  They aren't speaking the same language... nothing will get accomplished.  They'll just shout at the top of their lungs and neither will understand what the other is saying.

  12. Strangely enough, whoever has the most nuclear weapons, firearms and artillery would win.

  13. I love these kinds of arguments, I think if you put it to a battle form it works wonderfully.

    God provides all the weapons for everyone who wants to fight for religion, and Science provides all the weapons for everyone who wants to fight for science.

    So as remarkably stark as that contest would be were it a physical battle, it's also that way from a debate perspective.

    Belief is not really subject to the same rules as evidence or fact, which is to say, that belief is what you have when you don't have facts.

    So there is no proving God anymore than there is proving that someone loves or hates a person X percentage , how exactly does one measure the unmeasurable.

    Einstein had some awesome thoughts on this idea,

    "Religion without science is blind, Science without religion is lame".

  14. It's happened constantly since the dawn of man for the most part.

    In the short term, generally beliefs win out over evidence until the evidence becomes overwhelming (eventually the church quit burning people at the stake for claiming the earth was round.)  Most christian religions except for fundamentalist and evangelical today accept the theory of evolution with the caveat that it was jumped started by god and man was given the divine spark by god.  The third one makes no sense what so ever :)

    One of the major tenants of science is that if a theory fails at some point you revise, improve it to include the new data, and retest it.  Thus science is always evolving and always becoming more and more accurate.  Religion is based on faith, you believe without evidence.  Thus very little in religion gets severely tested and changes require overwhelming evidence that makes the belief absurd to cause change.  

    Science has kept better pace with the times, religion is still struggling to catch up and stay relevant without losing its sense of being.

  15. The chicken.

  16. Both or none.. depends on how you looks at it

    You cannot have science without religion and you cannot have religion without science

  17. Neither.

    Each side behind the given topics would ascribe to different definitions of 'winning'.

    "I have proof!  The Bible says so!!"

    ...followed by:

    "I have proof!  Given the constant "c" and the measurable positions of objects in space, their static direction of travel from a central point of origination, as well as..."

    One side ascribes to measurable, definable constants and facts, the other holds to feelings and stories.

    The argument will go on in perpetuity, until/unless education continues to advance.

  18. Scientific fact is based on human senses. What has been proven via those senses in undeniable in regards to those senses. However, how can one quantify the entirety of the universe in terms of human sense? Humans are some poor, insignificant race among the smallest recesses of the universe. What makes us special? I refuse to believe that there is nothing beyond what we can sense.

    In that respect, I answer your question in this way: Science and religion are the same thing.Science requires your blind faith in human sensory perception. Religion requires you believe in one paranormal edifice or another.....

  19. It would depend upon who you ask. Each "argument" is subjective depending on one's own belief system. Neither has "won" as it isn't a win-lose situation.

  20. Science. We have the evidence, theories and proofs. We win.

    @ Jesus Freak: Oh, how so? Like epilepsy is caused by devils.? Luke 9:39

    @ Darksuns: Science does not work that way. Faith cannot be tested multiple times. It also is locked within the pages of the Bible and cannot change.

  21. There would be no science if not for the God of the Bible.  

    Evidence beats beliefs.

    The Bible (God infallible word that has never changed) beats textbooks ( which change with each edition)  (Remeber how long they said p**o was a planet?)

    Not sure what you mean by the last one.

  22. assuming you are talking about christianity...

    1)christianity would win, since it has both science and faith, while science is just science.

    2)Evidence would win, but there is evidence on both sides of the spectrum.

    3) depends what the question is. God couldn't fit everything he knew into one book, so he spread out his knowledge to 'textbooks'. therefore, textbooks would have a larger variety of knowledge. (although the Bible isn't wrong and a textbook could be)

    4) hmmm... i would have to say faith, because it is accompanied by facts, but facts themselves stand alone.

    5) Yes. but seeing as they coexist, it can't really be compared.

    6) Yes. Same. (i'm speaking of FACTS btw, not theories that will never be proven)

    p.s. faith is in the Bible yes, but it isn't trapped there, it's real here and now.

    if you don't think there is any science in the Bible, check out this website:

  23. Unfortunately, religion would win. Not because they're right, but because if they feel like it they can just say "God did it".

    Science can answer everything, but we actually have to work out the answers to problems. All religion has to say is that "God did it" and people accept it as an answer.

    But overall, science will win. People will eventually learn that religion is a bunch of malarkey, and that their imaginary friend isn't the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 42 is. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  

  24. Science vs evolution has happened several times n court..

    Epperson Vs Arkansas

    Science won...

    McLean Vs Arkansas

    Science won..

    Edwards v. Aguillard

    Science won..

    Kitzmiller vs Dover Area School District

    Science won...

    There are several more examples..

    Do you see a pattern?  Science is facts,  religion is faith(belief without proof)...   It's not difficult to surmise which would win in a court of law...  

  25. Subjective experience vs Objective observation

    Truth is, they need each other a lot more than either of them are willing to admit...

  26. Win an argument: Religion

    Win a structured debate: Science

  27. Religion and science do not argue. They are compatible, as science will always prove. People argue.

  28. Science has already won. Anybody who knows both religion and science follows science. Some also follow religion. Why is this possible? Because science can only talk about the physical reality in which we exist. If there's a God, until he shows himself, science has nothing to say on the subject. The only thing science says anything about is the bible. A religion does not a book make.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  29. Religion will "win".

    Science will present some useful information and represent reality.

    Religion just lies on the ground screaming inanities and jamming it's pudgy little hands in it's ears chanting "goddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddidit goddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddidit goddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddidit... until science  leaves, turning out the light and locking the door on the way out, returning only briefly to ensure religions long-sleeved jackets sleeve buckles are properly fastened..

  30. Religion wins on popularity.  Science wins on everything else.

  31. Religion, because of the many miracles which confound science. The middle of this page lists miracles attributed to the Rosary of the Great Mother of God:

    God bless!


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