
Which Would be the best software to use to make a professional movie?

by Guest65949  |  earlier

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I am making a film and need some software to edit, add special effects and join the movie together. I would like something that can be used to make professional title sequences etc.

Any Suggestions?




  1. It depends on what type of computer you are using.  On a pc, the software used by more professionals is Adobe Premiere Pro, along with it's partner program, Adobe After Effects, which can be used to add complicated digital effects and light CGI.  Now if you want to take the route of the REAL professional movie makers and editors use, go out and by a mac ( any Intel mac will do), but the Mac Pro is built for Audio and Video editing, and buy Apple's Final Cut Pro HD, which is used by more professionals than any other software.  Final Cut Pro can cost up to $600 for the full suite, so its limited to the professional budget too.  

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