
Which Wrestlers do you think WWE is using incorrectly. ?

by Guest10669  |  earlier

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Who do you think theyre using wrong. Give me your reasons...




  1. MVP Ok for his whole career he has been a heel and i would really like 2 c him clean.. he is an amazing actor for a heel and i wonder what he would do if he was clean..


    I want this guy 2 become a  heel... a dead heel...

    i actually want 2 c him giving a tombstone 2 cena and evryone booing him!

  2. Mostly John Morrison: He puts on great matches week after week after week, and can get a good match out of anyone in the WWE, but apparently Vince doesn't see anything in him.

    And then there is Kennedy: Why not just put in a contenders match and have him win it, and there is his title shot right there! They need to do that before he gets injured again!

  3. big show for sure. he hasnt been in a big feud since wrestlemania. i mean come on its friggin BIG SHOW!!! Jeff Hardy too needs a bigger push. Let him get the us championship or somn

  4. the great khali if he waz allowed to use his strength he would destroy everyone

  5. Y2J - He is now officially the boring superstar on the roster ... i use to LOVE Y2J! His old heel days when he was funny yet arrogent, taking the p*ss out of everyone ... now .. i cant watch him blab on in that same tone of voice it kills me!

    Poor descion wwe, very poor

  6. Charlie Haas. He is an all-american collegiate amateur wrestler, and yet is used with c**p gimmicks, such as the wigger, luchadore, and last week charlito

  7. john cena they only selling him to make money because lil kids like him and yah their not useing jeff hardy he needs a push atleast a title shot their not treating him right their not treating the lower class divas right they all need pushes

  8. Wrestlers are all being used wrong.

  9. Mr. Kennedy... They need to give him a push.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  10. My friend, MVP. He needs a new gimmick and get rid of that gangster attitude because he is promoting that to kids.

  11. Shelton Benjamin - Most Athletic Guy They've Got But He's In The WWE Title Match At Unforgiven So Maybe Their Starting A Good Push

    Kane - Ever Since The Mask Came Off He's Been Nothing Short Of An Embarassment He's My Fave Wrestler And He's Only Been World Champ For A Day So Another Title Reign Woudn't Go Amiss (Even Though He Himself Doesn't Want The Title)

    Paul London - I Love Watching His Matches Because Their Always Top Quality But He's A Cruiserweight And Other Than Rey Mysterio Vince Don't Like Little Guys

    Matt Hardy - I Think He's Equal In Quality To Jeff And He's Only Getting Shots At The ECW Title That Says It All

    Big Show - Not The Quickest Or The Best But He's Always A Big Draw In My Opinion And No Title Shots Since He Returned In February

    That's All The People I Can Think Of But I Know There's Others

  12. I could make you a list lol...and I just might

    Carlito - He is great in the ring but gets overshadowed pretty much due to politics, he went on a radio station and pretty much punked out Triple H saying that the reason he is a world champion is because he banged the bosses daughter.

    John Morrison - The guy has great talent and its being wasted in the dump known as ECW, if you're gonna keep a guy like Morrison on ECW atleast let him get in championship contention, Morrison deserved that spot way more than Miz, plus if either Hardy or Morrison won it they could do a great feud, ECW needs that.

    MVP - The guy should already be a main eventer, they are starting to push him though starting with the Championship Scramble

    Mr. Kennedy - He should have already had atleast 1 world championship reign, his injuries and the way he's booked are getting in the way, his contract is almost up, and both sides (WWE & Mr. Kennedy) aren't pleased with one another so we could be looking at TNA picking up another WWE reject soon.

    Shelton Benjamin - He is getting a big push on SmackDown now so I guess I could have kept him off the list, but he has great talent, and when he first went to Raw they were using him good, that soon changed though, he barely got TV appearances, then came back for awhile, with him and his mama, then went back to being barely used.

    Elijah Burke - Once again good talent wasted, I'm not saying take him out of ECW, I'm just saying push him into ECW title contention, if you can put Evan Borne in there then you can atleast give Burke a shot.

    Jimmy Wang Yang - Fun to watch, yet he got overshadowed by The Brian Kendrick to make it to the championship scramble.

    Cryme Tyme - Finally getting a well deserved title shot, they are entertaining on the mic and they aren't too shabby in the ring, they bring back some old style double team moves

    Kane - He's getting a good storyline going on but come on, give him back the mask and you're looking at a main eventer which raw desperately needs

    Paul London - When he was with Kendrick he was amazing, now he doesn't really get used, we're probably looking at another Charlie Haas which brings me to my next point.

    Charlie Haas - Good talented guy, Vince doesn't really like the guy so he's stuck with doing gimmicks like that c**p he did with the mask on Sunday Night Heat, or Charlito on Raw last week, when I look at Charlie Haas I don't see a funny guy, I suppose others don't either, so don't use him like one

    Shawn Michaels - If your looking for a main eventer then look no further than The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, but no they look toward Batista, Cena, etc...

    Chris Jericho - He was being mis-used like coming back with one of the best promo comebacks in recent history then just coming back so he can bring JBL back into the ring, that was one crappy way to kill the build up for the return of Y2J, but the thing he is doing with HBK right now is great, his new style is pretty good.

    Now I could go on and on about more, but chances are even reading this much would bore you lol so I'll stop now but thats just a few of the big ones that stuck out in my mind

  13. John Morrison

    Evan Bourne

    Shannon Moore (Not even on the roster anymore)

    Paul London

    I like how they are using Brian Kendrick. But it doesnt really make sense for him to get pushed to a World Title shot from out of nowhere. They really need to bring back the cruiserweight title so all of these guys can have a purpose.

    But in a way, I kind of understand where WWE is coming from. If they are constantly banning high flying moves and moves that are actually devastating. But since they went PG, they definetely dont want kids out there doing moves that can actually kill someone (Vertabreaker, etc. ) And the guys that if in an indy ring would be flying all over the place like Matt Sydal (Bourne) or Paul London, would have to tone down their style, which would really suck for them.

  14. john morrison, i dont know why they waste that athletic ability.

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