
Which academy is more difficult?

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A police academy or fire academy?




  1. Police academy because you are taught to think about your decisions in seconds. police have to make decisions that they are going to have to live with the rest of your life. And Dallas police academy is 8 months of h**l!!

  2. DANBO said it best. There are not a lot of folks that's have done both, and without doing both, who can say whats more difficult?

    It also depends on what academy and what the standards are for your area.  Its an extremely subjective scenario.  I thought my academy was a breeze, but some people struggled all the way through and some did not make it at all.

  3. depends for example a big city police academy who has alot of crime is much harder then a police academy that trains police officer who work in the woods or the middle of no where...I would have to say that the police academy is physical and also academics...but like i said i have only been thru the police academy never the fire dept  

  4. The Fire Academy is physically more demanding and harder in that aspect but in a lot of other aspects, the Police Academy is harder.

  5. Few guys/gals have done both - find a department that has a "public safety" department where officers are trained in both - as police and firefighter/paramedics and ask.

    Some Dept's around me in Illinois that do this are



    I think that's about it - someone there that has done both will tell you.

  6. Of course a fire academy is more difficult, you see they're actually trained to save lives not take them. How difficult can it be to be a cop, all they do is ride around trying to find a hard honest working person to cite and take their money instead of fighting real crime. That's my opinion, and if anyone ( most likely a cop) gets offended?.....good, cause i don't care what you think......good day.

  7. fire academy

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