
Which action requires the most muscles to complete ?

by  |  earlier

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(b) jumping

(c) frowning




  1. frowning. I heard this on a commercial a ways back because it takes more muscles to frown than smile so everybody should be smiling. Definitely not jumping if the question is asking for the most number of muscles. I know it is frowning!

  2. (a) Smile. 12 muscles. Zygomaticus major and minor (4), Orbicularis oculi (2), Levator labii superioris (2),  Levator anguli oris (2) and Risorius (2)

  3. Jumping by far. Just do the action, and you will feel that your back, legs, and abdomen will all tense.

  4. I think smiling requires a lot more muscles of facial expression than even jumping, clearly I can't name them all, but I reckon that between risorius et al, smiling is a tough thing to do.  But then again, so is frowning, so I'm not sure.

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