
Which affects the economy more: the high price of gas or the high price of diesel?

by Guest59275  |  earlier

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Gas being primarily used for personal vehicles and diesel being primarily used for commercial vehicles




  1. There is no right or wrong answer here, but rather opinion. And that's because both diesel and gas are made from crude.

    Now the rise in diesel makes products more expensive to consumers because transportation costs are higher. And this increased cost gets passed on to the consumer.

    But higher gas prices eat more into consumers' pockets and take money away from their shopping. So as consumers spend more on gas, they may cut back spending on other things.

    So it's really a matter of you see consumers spending their money. In other words, what will they be spending it on and how much of it will they be spending?

    Cutting back on overall spending hurts the economy. But redirecting their spending from gas to something else could actually help. Or have no effect at all. So it all boils down to how you see consumers reacting and spending their money. And that's a matter of opinion.

  2. Well both are produced from oil so their prices will usually be in line with oil prices. Anyway I would say the price of diesel more directly affects the economy. Think about it-everything we buy as consumers are shipped by trucks. The more costly it is to transport the items the more the items will cost in the store. If gas prices went up but diesel prices didn't I think most families would be able to absorb the costs (depending on how far they had to work).

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