
Which age range do YOU fall under??

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I was just curious as to some of the questions on here, wondering the age range of most of the users. I see alot of questions that seem interesting then aot of them turn out to be about boyfriends in Jr High and High school... Which is fine, and understandable, but curious as to how many "Teenagers" vs "Adults" use this site. Which age range do you fall under?











  1. 30-45

  2. I'm smack dabe into the "GEEK", bracket which biologically speaking makes me 59 years old.  

      I was born in May of 1949, number 3 boy of what eventually would be a family of 4 boys.   My poor mother!!!!   No doubt we drove her over the top and into the world of "Soap Opera'a" ahead of her time.   I was born about 2 months before I was ready so I didn't get to make the drive home with mom & dad when they split the maternity scene.  Over the course of the next couple weeks I put on some weight and was found to have Asthma, this that and the other making me the "Weak ktten" in the ltter.   Over the course of the next 5 years I was sick a great deal and my mom's hair went from a beaugtiful dark auburn to small patches of gray.   That's when she discovered the "Salon", not t be confused with the Saloon which she was very much a tea toater.

      My asthma kept me in the house, kept me away from playing sports, kept me into books!!!, yup, I developed a passion for books, the kind that always had a strong action hero........    George Armstrong Custer, well, the "Hero book" symdrome.   Plus I was a very curious young fellow and was always sending away for how two manuels.   Geez, once me and a friend enrolled in a mailorder Taxidermy class that had monthly lesson booklets mailed out.    We were like 9 and in short order working on all the local road kill on our block.   Birds, squirells, rabbits and the final lesson plan was about working with "FISH".   I was able to obtain a rather large example of a Walleye from a neighbor and set my sights on getting that bad boy stuffed and on the wall before we went away for summer vacation that year.   It was early May, and I had several months to get said "FISH" and walnut board attacked to the basement wall.   Well, yes, I did it and we went away for two weeks of vacation in Norhern Minnesota.   When we came home there was an odd odor that seemed to prevade our closed up house.   I was taking some things to the basement and took a look see at my prize Walleye only to find it was now a rather masserated, moving mass of smelly scales covered in maggots.   Yup, that ended my career stuffing FISH.    I can still hear my mother's screams echoing from one side of my brain to the other....

      At the end of that summer I forced the issue with my over protective mother and signed myself up to play youth football with my friends.   I was behind them in development, skills, and strenght but I had fight.   I made the team, like the last kid on the bench but I worked like there was no tomorrow because with my asthma, an attack meant the end of my football days.   We didn't have inhaler back in these dark ages...    So, the story goes and I work twice as hard as everyone else and do get to play and finally begin to find my own peer group to fit in with and be some what normal.   Being a voracious reader meant I was ahead of the gang in some other respects which usually got me into trouble or them if they listened to my explanations as to why there was a magazine to be sought after and rarely found at home called Playboy, as an 11 year old I only read the articles....

    Because you didn't ask for this diathera of the brain drain in your question I'll pass over the high school years, jump into college.   I was going to attend the University of Minnesota, biology major and follow into my father footsetps and be a Dentist.   I was very good with my hands and seemed the natural candidate to follow "Pops".   Somewhere  in the winter of 1968 I was side tracked by a slick recruiting poster to become a Marine officer and checked it out and with my 1 year of college was signed right up.   Now, my asthma had pretty much outgrown me and I hadn't had a problem with it in many years yet it was a concern for these bright Navy Doctors who would determine whether I was fit to lead Marines.    They gave me a thumbs up and I was scheduled to go to Quantico, Virginia to attend OCC and then on to officers boot camp.  3 years in the Marines as a second Lt. if I made the grade.    It must be noted that many of my high school bud's already had inlisted into the various services and were mostly visiting that scenic land called Vietnam.    So, it was December 1968, I was scheduled to leave for Virginia before Christmas, had two weeks left and one day I received an official letter from the department of the Navy.   "A board of Navy officers had conviened and made a determintation that my asthma made me a bad choice to go to Quantico.    I was pissed, angry and did the only thing any other dumb, young guy would do, went to see a Marine recruiter and signed up or "Enlisted".    No problema with the asthma on this side.   I was in and left for boot camp without a htich after Christmas or early 1969..   From the day one, get go, beginning on those yellow footprints I absolutely hated it.   I was slow to catch on to everything but once I did I was twice as good as anyone else.    I rose to the top of my platoon and was interviewed as to any interest I might have to try that "officer route again".   I was very polite and promptly responded, "F*ck know, sir"   The private wants to stay with his friends and become a grunt and save the world from the red scourage in Vietnam.  

      I finished my 12 weeks in San Diego, a Hollywood Marine and enjoyed another 8 weeks on sunny Camp Pendelton realestate, learning the ins and outs of infantry tactics and how to use a 60 mm mortar and the beaufiul 81mm.    Upon completion of my formal Marine training I went home for 20 days leave and to find my girl friend of the time having gone through a boot camp of her home doing but that is another story.   Funny as it might sound being 1969, I didn't have WesPac orders and was to be stationed at lovely Camp Pendelton upon return to active duty.    The night I checked into the base some smart butt Sgt just smiled at me and said to report back to his widnow in the morning for work details and other orders.   Yup, you guessed it, my orders were changed to

    WESTPAC, and a unit was being formed up at staging battalion for duty overseas.   Actually, I was delighted because some how, some way I was going to make a significan impact on the other wise "Grinding" war that was taking away my generation.    

      After Staging battalion and a final weekend in LA where I met my dad at a "Dental convention", he took me and some of my friends out for the steak dinner of our life time.    We said our goodbyes and my journey began for southeast Asia.    

      With stops along the way in Alaska, Japan, Okinawas to stow away our gear and get jungles we finally made it to hot, sunny DaNang on a blistering afternoon with F-4's, Marine drivers..    ripping off the tarmack of the DaNang airbase.    Our group of newbees was assinged work details helping haul supplies and a few guys got involved in helping load those boxes for return flight home.   It was beginning to sink in but that was someone else, not me or us.  

      Eventually we were loaded into duce & 1/2's and takend to a seaside resort, I'm not kidding you!!   We were to under go language training and further specialized training for the untis we were going to be sent out to do our tours with.   Some thing called, Combined Action Plattons, a reinforced squard of Marines with a platoon of the lowest of the low in the Vietnameese army.   Actually, in a fire fight we found out that many of them reall really Olympic track stars.  

      When I arrived at the end of my trail in the middle of no where with a small group of Marines set up in a small treeline I was totally confused.   They looked starved, not at all friendly and the first thing that happened to me was that my M-16 was taken away and i was given the job of humping the M-60 Machine gun with all it's lovely little pieces and those boxes of "Ammo".   I also was force feed little things to memorize like "Grids" and names and how to call in an emergency medivac, and this and that and it was so bloody hot.   It was not long before I was disguarding my new green underwear, you'd have to have been there to understand that one.  

      As time went on and I learned my trade those "salty Marines began to allow me into there world, that I even gave a rat's a@s....

       Somewhere along the course of my time I received a warm letter from my kinda former girlfriend suggesting that we should both start dating again.    Yeah, ok, I'm going to call up Mana San and ask out her daughter to walk to the river and smell the c**p floating down stream.   Anyway, it was good for a laugh and time went along until one night we got into some major stuff, an RPG or B-40 as we called them went off well infront of my M-60 position but I was pretty messed up and had schrapnel in my face and head.   Don't remember much else, but I had a chance to see the wonderful city of Iwacuni, Japan for a few weeks to recover.   I spelled it the way I remember it, a toilet of a town that I would never go back to visit in a million years.  

      Eventyally I caught the 4:15 back to DaNang and found my way back to my old unit in the middle of no-where, a few new faces, a few bad memories of people who were know on there way home to guard our nations national cememtaries.    Further down that road I found some greande schrapnel just before Christmas and a few days out of the bush only to come back and find the unit was know mine, all mine.    So, as all stories go, this one goes home and eventually back to college where it was decided that my career as a Dentist was not ever going to happen.   Couldn't beat that one, just couldn't seem to make the grade with that "Organic Chem".    But I was good with my hands and eventually found a place where I was com

  3. 30-45 s/w/m

    It seems like yesterday I was 20 something and wanting to be older so I could be taken more seriously.

    Now I'd like to go back and have the same energy, ambition and dreams that have kind of drifted away.

    Of course, when I'm 60, I'll look back at my 40's as the prime of my life.

  4. 20-29

  5. 10-16

  6. 17-20

  7. im 17

  8. well i was born in 1956.So..............that makes me 52 if I calculated correctly.  was not sure I could figure that one

  9. im in the 30-45 age group.

  10. 20-29

    oh yeah and the 20-29 range ROCKS!!!

  11. 20-29 I am! (21 to be specific!)

  12. 20-29 why cant i just say 24 o.O =P

  13. 30-45 range.

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