
Which aid organization is the best for sponsoring a child?

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we want to sponsor a child or a village or something, but want our money to get to the child and not the organization. which charitys give the biggest % of donations to the children?




  1. Nearly all sponsorships send money to the org first, where it is divided over their numerous projects, not directly given to the family who writes to you. There are also many rules and specifics for the sponsored family, such as their religion.

    There is also the issue of a foreign (usually christian) aid worker going to remote villiages to offer water and housing for salvation. There have been numerous difficulties and problems with this approach to aid work.

    I suggest you give to as all of their $ goes to malaria prevention through bed netting.

    I also suggest that you look into orgs that provide microfinancing, such as and   these are places where you see a specific person/family in need and what their need choose to help the person of your choice and loan the money.....they repay it (with very good terms for them) and you can reinvest it back into another family's needs. This way you are helping a specific family without the overhead costs, PLUS reinvesting your money to help another family.

  2. I support a smaller organization called Rising Fountains. They don't have NEARLY the overhead costs as the larger organizations and you are able to build a much closer relationship with your child. You can email the director, Mathias Zimba, through their website. He is wonderful to deal with and you are dealing with an actual PERSON rather than a huge organization.

  3. Rendering a biased answer I think you will find World Vision is the best. I sponsor a child through them and have had others as well, i get reports and am in constant contact with my child, you are also able to visit your sponsor child through and with the help of those who do a fantastic job at World Vision, I have Happily been a Sponsor now for just over 5 years and its the best decision I made and I know you will enjoy the pleasures of helping not just a child but their village as well. Happy Child Sponsoring and good wishes for what you are preparing to undertake, you will be and should be very proud of yourselves.

  4. Unicef

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