
Which aircraft do you like best? y?

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Which aircraft do you like best? y?




  1. All my answers will be due the handling and performance.

    Single engine - C172

    Light twin - Piper Seneca 5.

    Small turboprop - King Air 200

    Large turboprop - Dash 8 Q400

    Small jet - Lear 45

    Medium turbofan - 737-800

    Large ops - 777-300ER

    The following I know would love to fly but wont have the chance to.

    Military Modern - F35 JSF

    Military Old jet - ME262 or the Mig 15

    Military Old prop - Sea Fury.  This is a special aircraft to me 4000hp radial engine based on a spitfire. I've heard it start and WOW. Unfortunatly the only flying one in the world was lost in a accedent in the last 2 weeks, worst of all it was in a conainer being moved to Aus.

    Helicopter- Any Eurocopter.

    Acrobatics - Extra 300

  2. i would have to say BOEING 747-400 because it is a luxury liner, huge.

    but know AIRBUS A380 because it has a mall on the top and has all first and business class

  3. General Aviation - The Piper Cub.  No better way to spend a few hours seeing the countryside...

    Commercial - Don't have a favorite. Like the Dash 80, though.

    Military - F94 - Dad flew one in Korea.  Gull Wing Corsair for prop plane.

    Glider - Anything Grob makes.  Cool aircraft.

    Helicopter - Can't fathom flying an aircraft where the wing moves.  So, no favorites there.

  4. My favorite plane is the Messerschmitt Me-262. I always liked it's looks.

    After that, the Me-163 rocket fighter, the Northrop T-38/F-5 series, the DeHavilland Comet airliner. Then a lot more.

    My favorite I've flown in is the Boeing 757. Fast and comfortable.

  5. My favorite is the C-130 Hercules and its variants.  This has proven to be a very versatile aircraft and ith as been around for a long time and will continue to serve around the world, especially here in the United States.

    It is used to transport people, cargo, vehicles (land based and airborn), large bombs (such as the fuel air bomb), etc.  It is used as a gun platform (the AC-130 Spectre is the very advanced close air support weapon of choice that can linger around), storm probe (hurricanes, etc), command and control platform, relief supply, troop or equipment retrieval, medical/rescue.  It is big, it has four engines, has short take off and landing capabilities, and is a sturdy aircraft.

  6. Pitts Special

    Best bang for the buck in the world.

  7. Airbus A340-300.

    I'm an Airbus fan.

  8. For the joy of flying, I love my little Aeronca Chief, and lots of others like it:  Luscombes, Ercoupes, Champs and Cubs.  Piper Pacers and Cruisers, and Taylorcraft.  In other words, little fabric covered putt-putts.

    My chief has 85 HP.  Nowadays if it gets much over 100 HP, it's too modern and sort of hairy.

    I soloed in this particular Aeronca Chief in 1964, and I wish everyone could solo in a fabric covered, underpowered tail-dragger.  Before I retired, I went looking, and found the particular airplane in a barn, in restorable condition, though with the wings hanging up on the wall.  I bought it, took it home and restored it, and now we putt-putt around on pretty blue days.  That's why that's my favorite.

    My Doggie loves to ride in the Chief, and whines to be picked up and set in the seat.  But she gets upset when we have to shoot a crosswind landing, and curls up and hides her eyes.

    But I'm entitled to that feeling after 40 years of flying big airliners, including 4-engine prop liners and several big Boeings.  My career culminated in the 747-400, and that remains my favorite airliner.

    Though I loved the C-54 and the C-118, as well as the Boeing 727.  Each has its own challenges, as well as its fond memories.

    Just fly--that's the main thing!

  9. The SR-71 Blackbird

  10. Boeings from Everett

  11. I presume to ride as a passenger, as opposed to say, crop-dusting.

    I prefer the MD-80 or B-717, which is the same aircraft for short distances, and the B-767 for longer. The reason for this is that my wife likes the aisle and I prefer the window, and these two aircraft have 2 seats together like this. The Canadair CRJ are like this also, but they have smaller seats and are somewhat cramped for me.

    The Vickers Viscounts, which flew back in the 60's were even better, with larger seats and windows than aircraft have today.



  12. Anything built by Boeing as they get you to where you want to go

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