
Which aircraft is better? Boeing 777 or Aibus A330?

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  1. In terms of technical specs, I would have to go with the triple 7. But if your going at comfort, ease of flying, etc. it's all a matter of opinion(mine would still be the 777. I really don't like sidesticks).

  2. Depends on what the airline intends to use it for. The A330 is better on shorter missions but the 777 is better on longer missions.

  3. boeing has 10+ hits

    airbus has a few

  4. They are different aircraft.  The A330 fits right in between the 767ER and the 777-200.  Depending on the airline's needs, one might be better than the other.

    A couple friends of mine fly for Sky Service and they say the A330 is awesome.  I don't know anyone personally who flies the 777 but it has been a serious contender.

    Both of these aircraft are fly-by-wire and incorporate systems to prevent the aircraft from stalling or being over-flown.

    Both of these companies are heavily subsidized by their respective governments (Boeing getting a significant chunk of a military budget that's bigger than many countries GNPs).

  5. The 777, since it was the most efficient aircraft available before the 787 was developed.

    The A series has, and never really will be competitive. The French government give massive discounts on the aircraft that it pays out of pocket.

    Airbus was created only to provide an alternative to Boeing aircraft, and they have never been a self supporting company, and their products have never met the quality standards of a Boeing. Just after 9/11, a A320 crashed into a New York suburb when one of its pilots switched from full left rudder to full right rudder, and the tail was destroyed. Boeing aircraft dont have problems like that, and just to make sure, they have  integrated safety equipment that will not allow the pilot to damage the aircraft inadvertantly.

  6. The A330 only competes with the earlier 777 models like the 777-200A and the A330 absolutely wins in efficiency. The 777 competes with the A340. The A330 competes with the 767 and orders in the last few years obviously shows the A330 has killed the 767 just like the 777-300ER did to the A340-600. Cessna's answers were spot on, but he still got thumbs down cus of the childish Boeing fans on here.

  7. Boeing 777 is better.

    Why? Because it is made in U.S.A.!

  8. The a330 first of all it doen't compete with the 777 It competes with the 767's  . It Is very fuel efficient and has had only had 3 serious, while the 777 has had 6 , including severe fires , and a engine explosion during takeoff.

  9. Boeing 777 it has much more range  and much more seating capacity and it is a useful freighter much more better economics in freight also it is the wold' largest twin jet

    The A330 has good economic in less passenger capacity and shorter range missions

    in both aircraft their useful freighters

    and its Airbus not Aibus

  10. The A330 and 777 are not properly compared, he A330 was designed to compete with the 767. The 777 on the other and was designed to compete with the A340. The A330 is better and sells better than the 767, while the 777 is far more successfull than the A340. Bothe the 777 and the A330 are great planes and both have very spacious cabins. I would say the were of equal rank since most "great", high quality airlines, such as Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, etc. fly them.

  11. I don't know which is better but I know which one I like the best and I am a Boeing fan. I always liked the ease of flight with the 757. Although it is a single aisle plane, it gets to altitude quickly and it lands so nice. I just like the Boeing planes better. I also understand that with the airbus planes  the pilot can't override the computers. Don't know if this is true or not. I would like someone to clarify if I am wrong on this. Anyway, I would take the triple 7 over the airbus.

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