
Which airline company is the safest?

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Which airline company is the safest?




  1. I <3 Lufthansa,not that id really consider it the safest because Im not sure.But at least its not American :/

  2. middle east airways

  3. Remember the movie "Rain Man"? Dustin Hoffman would not fly unless it was on Qantas because they have never had a fatal accident. Of course Qantas didn't fly where they wanted so they took the road trip. It is true Qantas has never had a fatal accident even though they had the incident with the 747 diverting to Manila last week with the hole in the fuselage.

  4. all airlines are extremely safe. they have to be or else they wouldn't be in business...but the answer to your question is qantas-they've never crashed

  5. QANTAS is definitely the safest airline in history. It is not a matter of the fewest crashes as some people claim for their airline.  QANTAS has NEVER had a plane loss or fatal airplane accident.

    Papers formally establishing Qantas were signed in the Gresham Hotel, Brisbane, on 16 November 1920.

    In 1921 the Qantas fleet comprised two war surplus biplanes.

    So QANTAS has been established since 1920 and flying since 1921.   87 years of safe operating, no other airline can beat that. QANTAS is one of the world's major international airlines.

  6. statistically, Qantas.

    over 50 years of flying jet aircraft without a singe death....however, they did have 4 or 5 fatal crashes with smaller, prop aircraft before 1958

    although with a few emergency landings in the past few months and their aging fleet...i think that the dreaded time will come soon

  7. you probably don't want to hear this right now but coming from someone who's afraid to fly......NO

  8. Most airlines have had a crash or incident. The one airline that has NEVER lost a plane to a crash, however, is Qantas (Australian), even after last week's incident.

    It's also the world's second oldest airline. (I read that on the news recently).

    Other airlines that I generally trust are the major ones like British Airways, Lufthansa, KLM, Emirates, etc. Although they also had crashes.

  9. None. They are all less likely to have anything happen to you than getting hit by lightning or bitten by  shark.

    Of all things not to fear, it is the safety of flying. It is the safest method of travel above all forms including trains, cars, bicycling, etc.

    Flight injuries are phenomenally low

  10. If you look at accident statistics, you'll find that most major airlines from major industrialized countries have fatal accident rates of less than one per one million departures.  In many cases, it's a fraction of one-in-a-million. In other words, you're talking about differences between airlines that are usually statistically insignificant.

  11. southwest

  12. Depends on where you're going. I believe Southwest has the best record for safety in the US.

  13. Olympic Airways. Least amount of Hijackings and crashings

  14. Most airlines are pretty safe.  There are some airlines in parts of this world that I would avoid but overall, airlines of any industrialized nation has pretty strict standards that they need to comply with.  

    As everyone else has said, Qantas has never had a fatal accident and they are supposedly the second oldest airline in the world.  The airline was mentioned by Dustin Hoffman in the movie "Rain Man" because it is has never had a fatal accident.

  15. QANTAS. But being an Aussie, I'm biased.

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