
Which airline has the less turbulence in their flights !!!?

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i would like to choose an airline to travel on that dosen't have a lot of turbulence in their flights




  1. Honestly, I don't see how its possible. How can one airline control something like that? It's the air, it's not the plane.

  2. Theres no such thing as an airline with the least amount of turbulence unless your flying in an F-14, it all depens on the weather during your flight and where your flying. If your flying over mountains your are more likely to experience turbulence. Use air canada though, the flight attendants are nice.

  3. it really depends on the route tho.. If you fly the siberian route from LHR/LGW-HKG with CX, then their will be no turbulence at all, cuz i've been flying that route and airline for almost 15 years...

    but if you fly from LHR/LGW-SIN/KUL using the central asian route with SQ and MH, then there will be slught bumps all the way...i've been observing then i found out that the smoothest route to the UK is the Siberian which KE, JL, CX, and OZ passes trough..

    this doesnt mean that there are no turbulence at all but it is based on my experience and after 15 years of traveling, i never felt turbulece on the route...

    but honestly turbulence can happen depending on the weather and theie will be more turbulence when passing trough mainland than water and less turbulence on night flights

  4. the airline that you choose doesnt matter. however if you can try to get the  biggest plane you can as turbulence will be much more minor. also try to get a seat in the very center of the plane where the axis of rotation is. you will experience less motion there.

  5. Turbulance does not depend on the airline.

    Turbulence is the up-and-down air currents that help to mix the air in the troposphere. It is usually mentioned in the context of airplane flights, where these air currents can feel like "bumps in the road" while flying. Turbulence can occur in the lowest part of the troposphere during the daytime when heating of the sun causes convective mixing of the air. Once the airplane rises above this turbulent "boundary layer", the air becomes smoother. But other processes can also cause these up- and down-drafts. One example is convective clouds. If an airplane must fly through a thunderstorm, these updrafts and downdrafts can be very strong. There is also "clear air turbulence", which can also become very strong. This usually occurs near jet streams, where rapidly changing wind speeds with height can combine with an unstable air layer to cause "waves" of up and down motion in this air layer.

  6. The bigger the plane the better.  Also don't go with a bargain airline, they might skimp on fuel, which may make the plane slightly more susceptible to turbulence due to less liquid aboard to dampen the movement.

  7. well  i think the smaller the air plane, the less likley that youll get turbulence.

  8. It doesn't depend on the airline it depends on the pilot and flight path

  9. wow

    okay, the airline has almost nothing to do with turbulence or no turbulence.its the weather.




    dont go southwest for long flights

  10. the airline doesnt cause turbulence. its just part of flying. completely unavoidable.

  11. It doesn't depend on the airline - it depends on the route that they fly.  Any airline can experience turbulence.

  12. Dude .. turbulance does not depend on the airline .... well of course every airline uses a different route ....i think it depends on the weather .....

  13. No person, pilot or airline can control mother nature.

    Every pilot regardless of who they fly for negates the adverse effects of inclement weather including turbulence as much as is humanly possible.

  14. depends on the weather at the current position, not on the airline.

    Also, I think the heavier the plane, the less turbulence.

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