
Which airline is best to fly to Italy from atlanta?

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Which airline is best to fly to Italy from atlanta?




  1. These days I'd really shop around and compare prices. Air travel is getting more expensive so I'd let price be my deciding factor. Northwest is one airline I've had good luck with flying to Rome from the east coast of the US.

    As tempting as it may be to take Alitalia, I'd avoid them. I've had some less than pleasant experiences with this carrier.

  2. I agree with the other people...Avoid sucks!

  3. Air France maybe

  4. Continental is good

  5. Which city in Italy? That makes a difference.

    Delta has nonstop service to Rome. Delta is not a very good airline, but it's hard to beat the convenience of not having to change planes.

    If you're going to a city that requires a connection, try Lufthansa. They still have decent service.

    Avoid Alitalia. They have been close to insolvency for a long time and it's questionable how much longer they can survive. If you buy a ticket on them and they close down, other airlines will probably refuse to honor the tickets. In that case, you'll have to buy new ones at the then-current price and try to get your money back for the originals.

    Note on the advice in the previous answer regarding Northwest - Northwest formerly served Rome, but not any more. They dropped the route some time ago, so they're not even an option. They now "code-share" on the route - that means that they lie to you by putting their flight numbers on other airline's flights.

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