
Which alternative fuel will eventually replace oil?

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I'm doing a research paper and I would like to know your opinions as to which alternative fuel you see as the eventual successor of oil.

1) Hydrogen

2) Ethanol

3) Solar power

4) Wind power

5) Battery power (hybrid cars)





  1. Hey,

    If you are looking for information on fuels that replace oil,

    Or if you are looking for something you can use to replace the fuel in your car check out: for a gas car

    Or for a diesel car.

    Both of these solutions will save you money and get you a better fuel efficiency.

  2. I say Ethanol.

  3. It'll be either hydrogen, synthetic hydrocarbons or electricity stored in batteries, hydrogen or synthetic hydrocarbons would probably be done as hybrid vehicles for efficiency reasons although if battery technology improves pure battery electric cars could become common.

    Mostly it'll be generated from nuclear power (as ground based solar and wind are pretty much useless without backup which right now we haven't figured out) with fusion and space solar power also appearing if you wait a few decades.

    Ethanol turns out to be a really stupid idea that release more CO2 than digging oil out the ground and also causes food shortages.

  4. hydrogen

  5. None of the above. Nature uses plants to recycle CO2 to O2... The other fuels are not recycled as oil through plants..

  6. if we are smart, we will start using all of them, that way we won't be dependent on just one source of fuel in the future.

  7. 6) Free Energy

  8. Solar.  The sun is free and it doesn't harm the environment. the only obstacle is making it available to all consumers and making it afforadable.

  9. If you're talking car power, than I think the plug-in hybrid, followed by pure electric is the way of the future.  Hyrdrogen has  fallen from grace lately, largely because of the high costs (both energy and money) of producing it, and the many logistical problems of storage and safety.  I think electrical is the way for transportation.  Ethanol may have some use, but it is also fairly energy intensive to grow and harvest, so I don't see it being able to compete with cheap electricity.  This all depends, of course, on our ability to overcome technological barriers of electric cars.  I think if we can build better batteries and better electric cars, then ethanols use will be limited, but may be useful for air travel and some other purposes.

    Solar and Wind are both promising for electricity production.  Wind is coming along quickly and is becoming more cost competitive.  Solar is also getting cheaper very fast, and is going in some very interesting directions.

    I don't think any of these will replace oil, and I imagine that all of them (with the possible exception of hydrogen) will be implemented to some degree as ways to reduce reliance on carbon-based energy and oil.

  10. I think the hydrogen is going to replace the oil for car engines. As the European and Japanese have launched successfully by converting hydrogen molecule to run car engine and the water is being dumped as showed on TV about two months ago, I think it is the reasonable way to go.

    Ethanol is good to environment as the National Geographic showed, but it only replaced less than 1-10% gasolines consumed in this world and it also prop up the agricultural products prices. Battery power and gasoline combined car can only save energy while go down slops and while in idle engine condition, it is proved too costly for car drivers. It has raised the issue of the used batteries is environmental unfriendly.

    Solar power has been applied by US government for decades, it is sustainable development for American cities for the long run. Wind power is good for the individual small home owners and widely used in European countries. You can get much more information in Google Search. The following one provides you the stepping stone to the ideas about the future energy generation. Please do bear in mind that year of 2006 is the for the movement of Global Warning, Global Warmning, and energy supply solutions.

  11. Check this out. Look up water for fuel on google. There is a man who made an engine for a blow torch that seperates out hydrogen from water to make HHO. He is on youtube. He is also making cars that run on water power, hydrogen, that is. Look and you will find him. He has a major deal going on with the government in marketing his idea to big business auto producers and congress is behind him.

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