
Which among the planets in our solar system(Milky Way) rotates counterclockwise?

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Which among the planets in our solar system(Milky Way) rotates counterclockwise?




  1. don't worry about what they say, i think they get technical in a sarcastic way when they don't know.

    that is an interesting question. but i'd like to know how they determine all the others are rotating the same.

    seems it may have to do with balance,but I DON"T KNOW

    see i said it, now you know i'm not a genius. i think maybe the guy asking about can 2 people run up each other(another question) may be.

  2. Huh (question)? Parenthesis () in this context are for restating the same thing.

    So saying, ".... our solar system (Milky Way) rotates..."  is incorrect. To my knowledge, our solar system has no name. Our Galaxy (Milky Way) is call the Milky Way.

  3. Venus, and our solar system is not the milky way.  And it's a retrograde rotation, not counter-clockwise.  All the other planets rotate counter-clockwise from the perspective of earth's north pole.  Except for Uranus, however, who's equator is almost 90 degrees to the ecliptic.  d**n this is complicated.

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