
Which animal is currently most at risk of becoming endangered?

by Guest67209  |  earlier

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Which animal is currently most at risk of becoming endangered?




  1. The Snipe, They have long been over hunted and often perish in the gunnysack. Tried to find a link but hunters operate clandestinely.

  2. Cheetah, Blue Whale, Snow Leopard, African Wild Dog

  3. Every day, hundreds and hundreds of species become either threatened, endangered, or even extinct. So the answer to your question is that each day, there are new animals, however small and unique they are, who decrease in population by a huge number.

  4. every day there is a new species of animals at the highest risk of becoming extinct.

    the beauty of it is that the next day, another species is at the top of the list, since the one from yesterday is already extinct.

    and if you think I'm joking you are wrong.

  5. Try 150 - 200 new are extinct every day?

  6. Closer to home, the water vole & kingfishers are both suffering the consequences of mink predation.

  7. your question does not do your name credit.

    ask yourself where animals live

    then ask yourself what is happening on this planet

    such as deforestation ,everything living in these forests is in danger of disappearing along with their habitat

    it would be easier to ask what animals are not in danger ,and that would be the ones living along side of us such as cockroaches and rats.

    we ultimately are the animal that will become in danger .


    all of them because all of the forests are in danger;...

    Of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

    Human activity is speeding that up since we tend to overpower all the other species in one way or another.

    Some reasons why animals are being wiped out ,in the forests are:

    The hunting of exotic species for pets or body parts for medicines.

    Only about 10% of the animals caught survive

    the hunting of animals for food by settlers of expanding populations

    Forest fires ,that have started because of slash and burning of forest ,to clear the land for farming, had gotten out of control

    The loss of Habitat because the conditions have changed ,e.g less humidity because of deforestation ,Forests being replaced with much dryer farmlands ,or concrete and tar to accommodate expanding humanity.

    Or the over pumping of rivers for human use(farming and utility)and carbon Aquifers

    Because of contamination of the waters ,

    Expanding populations and expanding farming ,(that has to keep pace with the expanding populations) are very strong forces that cannot be slowed down,

    clearing the rainforest's for farming and settlement areas .

    Rainforest's/forests always are in third world countries and always in third world countries corruption and the need for money s highest.

    The jungles gets smaller by the day

    more and more farmers move in .and burn the trees

    it is an impossible situation

    as long as there is poverty in these regions the destruction will continue

  8. Tigers and Lions

  9. Husbands

  10. Other than the many species that go extinct a day, ones people can readily identify are the tiger(all of them), the asiatic lion(yes there are lions in asia), the tasmanian devil(soon to be severely threatened), giant panda etc. These are only examples of well known species, there are countless amphibians, lizards, insects and arachnids that face the daily challenge of survival.

  11. tigers. There are only about 500 left. Much worse is white tigers only about 200 left.

    even people are polluting the enviroment that can make every single living thing in danger!

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