
Which animal is smarter, a dog or a cat?

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Which animal is smarter, a dog or a cat?




  1. you can teach a dog tricks. remember a dog lives with you. and you live with a cat.

    i might have to go with the cat being smarter . it takes no time to teach  a cat to litter train. as a dog it can take for ever.  cats can hunt for their food. dogs  need something in the dish. .

  2. hiii i think dog ........

  3. i think they're just about the same

  4. i dont know about other ppl but my cat is way smater than dog

  5. To a lot of people who answered:  the question is which is *SMARTER*, not which you prefer-there's a very big difference.

    My family has had a lot of both over the years.  In general, cats are smarter although there are exceptions.  

    I've known some truly stupid cats (how much brain power is needed to keep from going splat when jumping on something only a little over a foot high? he didn't even need to jump) and a couple of genius level dogs...granted, one of the 'dogs' wasn't really a dog but a wild coyote with a small amount of german sheppard blood and was mistaken for a puppy because she was so small and sick when she was found.  

    Thankfully, my dad is one of the few people with an instinctive and subconcious understanding of actual pack structure and she acknowledged him as her pack leader immediately once she got better so it wasn't the complete disaster such a situation usually is.  She was an adult and 100% wild...and the baby sitter for my sister and I when we were little, sometimes for hours at a time with no one over five present.  That's a rare one in a million situation, especially as no one in the family ever thought there was anything odd about the situation.  It didn't even occur to me untill this summer (she passed away more than a decade ago and could have not been any less than 20 years old) that it was so odd that no one was ever scared of her, especially since she was a wild coyote/german sheppard hybrid...I saw a beagle that looked almost exactly like she did except that she had a fluffy tail and almost no one is ever afraid of beagles.

  6. Dog dose things what you say.

    Cat is more independent like it dose not sit, stay when you tell them to.

    But they both smart animals, they both the same smart. Peoples say dogs are smarter then cats as they do what ever you want them to do. You can control dogs but cats you can't as they are independent. I still LOVE cats. I don't like dogs, as dogs all smell very bad to me and p**p every where around and l**k you ewww. My mum has 2 cats and 1 dog.

  7. hmmm...probably cats...they can keep themselves clean and know where they are going but i still prefere dogs :P

  8. To be brief,without any more doubt,a cat is smarter than a dog

  9. Cats are rediculously smarter than dogs.  Sure, dogs are better pets and are more loyal and playful but they can be pretty dumb.  Border collies, poodles, and a few other breeds are pretty intelligent though.  Afghan Hounds and Basenjis are not smart at all.  Why are cats smarter?  First of all, they can take care of themselves and they can wonder around outside without running into traffic.  They're much cleaner and almost never have accidents (once they're old enough and trained).  They're also smart enough to not take orders from their owners - they aren't easily persuaded by treats.  Just take a look at a dog, it's not that easy to see that they aren't the brightest.  And in case you were wondering, I like dogs a lot more than cats but I'm not an ignorant idiot who thinks that dogs are smarter just because I have one and like them more.

  10. Of course a dog. A cat is ungrateful.

  11. Dog.

  12. I think they're roughly equal - but of course their different lifestyles in the wild have meant that they are smart in different ways.

    Cats have excellent spatial skills (they are able to control their bodies and are agile because they are good judges of distance etc), they are independent by nature which makes them good decision makers (and not generally very obedient). They can stalk and hunt prey alone, which means they can plan, and are aware of their own bodies, being able to use stealth and cunning to keep themselves hidden from their prey.

    Dogs are group animals. They are intelligent observers - they observe body language and use it very effectively to form relationships, and work within a team. They are also aware of how their own behaviour effects their relationships, and they react accordingly. The importance of their social relationships is what makes them more trainable than cats - not a higher intelligence.

    Dogs don't have the same spatial ability as cats, and so tend to be more clumsy. They rely on strength and numbers to hunt prey, rather than stealth and agility.

    So, they are both about the same. Whether people think one is more intelligent than the other really depends on the person's perspective, and how well the animal fits in with the human's expectations.

  13. CAT

  14. Cats are more independent, that makes them way smarter.

    Dog learn tricks better, that's because they are more obedient.

  15. A cat of course. A dog is quite stupid but fun. A dog is very loyal though. A cat is a very sly and selfish animal.

  16. Dog

    thanks -

  17. A dog

  18. Dogs, by far!


  20. DOG

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