
Which animals dose red meat come from.?

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I know cows and things like that.

but exactly what kind of animals




  1. If you are talking about the domestic farm animals, it's actually easier to tell you which ones do not have red meat.

    White meat animals are chickens (except for legs and thighs), and rabbits.  Domestic turkeys have white meat on their b*****s.

    Everything else is a red meat animals.  Yes, even pigs are supose to have red meat.  It's just that modern pigs have been fed so oddly, raised in confinment, and bred to have the pale colored meat.  Healthy pigs are actually a red meat animal.

    Some fish are a white meat animal.

    Just about every other animal is a red meat animal.  Generally speaking animals have red meat, because they are actually using the muscles, and supplying those muscles with oxygen.  Chickens have white meat on the b*****s, because they do not actually use those muscles.  They do however use the muscles on their legs and thighs, so it turns to "dark meat."

    So virtually every other mammal, or bird uses the muscles in it's body, hence the red color to the flesh.

    That's why veal calves are raised in the dark, in tiny stalls, they can only lay down, or stand up in, but not even turn around.  If they used those muscles, more oxygen would get to the muscles, and they would develop red meat.

    There are of course some exceptions, like fish whos flesh is naturally white.  Domestic raised rabbits live in little cages, and do not move about much, and never see the daylight, hence the white flesh on them.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. Okay,all mammals and birds, plus a few reptiles and amphibians possess white AND red meat. There are two types of muscle fibers which cause the meat to differ in color. The color of a muscle has nothing to do with whether it's used or not (if animal's didn't use their muscles at all, they would atrophy not blanche). Changes in muscle color are pathologic (see blackleg or white muscle disease). Red meat comes from the abundance of myoglobin (an oxygen capturing compound) in muscles used for endurance (like leg muscles) while white muscle contains little myoglobin and is used for quick bursts of speed (breast muscles in domestic chickens). Compare game birds to chickens and see that the game birds have RED breast meat because they can actually fly.

  3. Red meat comes from mammals and not birds or fish.

  4. If you mean which families?  Bovines: Cows, calves, bulls, buffalo, bison.

    Also goats, sheep, yaks -  not sure what that family's called.

  5. Cattle, deer, horse, goats, elk, moose and many other mammals.

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