
Which antidepressant makes you lose weight?

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I have been very depressed and I've been seeing a therapist about it. I might get on antidepressants but I dont wnt to gain weight. In fact, I would like to lose some weight. Which ones is the best?




  1. Welbutrin. I was on Welbutrin for 2 weeks and I lost 6 pounds. But it also gave me the shakes and made me incredibly irritable.

  2. Wellbutrin and Effexor tend to lead to weight loss, rather than weight gain, but you may not see any effect on your weight.  It's better to choose a drug that works for your depression, and Wellbutrin is not usually the most effective drug when taken alone.  It's often added in combination with another antidepressant (typically an SSRI that tends to cause weight gain) when that antidepressant isn't working as well as it might.

  3. None. There are no promises with any medication for anxiety or depression. They all indicate that the possible side effects include both weight loss AND gain. It's entirely individual and there's no predicting how the patient's body will respond. I took Prozac and felt that it inhibited my ability to lose weight, though I did not gain anything attributable to the drug. On Wellbutrin, I believe it has allowed me more flexibility with my weight but, again, there was no gain or loss. Plus, the side effects wear off after you've been on the drug steadily for some time. Any weight loss or gain would be temporary.

  4. If you don't want to gain weight, then the best choice is to just continue with your therapist and work through your issues.

    Seriously, I know it sounds very old-fashioned, but unless you are suicidal and need immediate intervention, there is NO reason to start a medication.

    ALL of them have side effects, weight gain being the one most people fear, but there are numerous other awful effects , as the first answerer mentioned.

    Try to see what you can do to prevent meds. The fact that you are aware of any depressive feelings, and are already in therapy is a great thing.

    Capitalize on that and become healthy again the natural way!

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