
Which are a woman's "SAFE DAYS"?

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my period is usually 26-28 days and is pretty regular for the last couple of months. So my D1 is 7th August. If it is 26days like my last period I should have started bleeding yesterday, on the 1st of Sept. Yes, but I HAVENT!I had unprotected s*x (not my fault!!!) on the 28th, so about a week after ovulation. It was also my first time :S Is this considered my safe days, the 22nd day of period?I took an emergency 'morning pill' containing levonorgestrel less than 12hours after the intercourse just to be sure. But there is no blood and i am super worried. I drank a cup of rosmarine tea and I will try the parsley too.I really would appreciate your advise. SHould I worry this much? Should I get a pregnancy test or my period is likely to be late in this situation? Will vitamine c help ?




  1. In a perfect world you would ovulate 12-16 days after the start of your last period.  If you had s*x on the 28th, yes this is well over what you think may be your "safe days."  Let me be the bearer of bad days don't exist.  Your body functions differently every day and honestly there is no perfect way to tell when you may be ovulating.  The good news is the morning after pill is very effective in prevention.  No amount of herbs will stop a pregnancy.  Stress may cause you to have a delayed period as well.  My advice, tell this guy who "forced" you into having unprotected s*x to make you a nice dinner then rub your feet.  Just relax.

  2. you should get a pregnancy test just to be sure

  3. A woman's only "safe days" for intercourse are those that she uses a reliable form of birth control on. Even then, no 100% guarantees, since the only foolproof method is abstinence. Take a test, it should be accurate at this point.

  4. well, if your pregnant then your pregnant, i'd give the odds the same as a coin flip. why don't you just buy the test, cause that thing will give you a better answer then any of us will. hopfully it will be good results, but no more unprotected s*x young lady.  

  5. There are NO safe days. The only thing that may help is the Morning after pill. No tea or natural remedies. Best bet is testing and getting on some form of birth control as soon as you get on your period and use protection the 1st 2 packs if you are not ready for a child

  6. There is no such thing as a safe day.  You can get pregnant anytime in your cycle.  there are certain days that are less likely but not 100 percent that you won't get pregnant.

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