
Which are more friendly, a pet mouse or hampster?

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Which are more friendly, a pet mouse or hampster?




  1. Definately a pet hamster. They are more tame, and more fun! Plus, when you mate mice, they multiply. My friend had a male and female mouse, and the next week, they had 22 mice! Hamsters don't tend to do that. Hope I helped!

  2. We have had mice for a couple of years now and I prefer them to hamsters.  They are nocturnal so you will get to play with them mostly in the evenings.  I find them to be quite tame, cute and easy to take care of.  

    My experience with hamsters was not as good, they tended to nip whereas the mice don't.  We got ours from the pet store down the street and they are very healthy.

  3. I've had both and I prefer mice. They're very similar. I've had bad experiences with Dwarf or Russian hamsters. They can have a nasty streak; not all, but some. Teddy Bear Hamsters or just plain Golden Hamsters are nice. My little sisters has a Balck European Hamster. It gets to be the size of a baby guinea pig and is super sweet.

    Mice are tiny and have the cutest little whiskers and they're so curious. That's why I like them the best. They tend not to live as long unless you get them from a breeder. Pet shop mice are feeder mice and are bred for quantity and not for health.

    So they're both very friendly IF you hold them everyday and spend time with them everyday. Both can get mean, bitey, and skittish if they're not handled very often.

    Just want to throw this out there... if you have a male and female hamster in the same cage yes, they WILL "do that". They're rodents just like mice and multiply just as much. My uncle made the mistake of keeping them together and had a bit of a hamster farm until he got the population under control and found homes for the 30 some hamsters he ended up with in a couple of months.

  4. a hamster by far. they are way more friendly

  5. I think hamsters are much sweeter. they like being cuddled, and they just seem to know who the owner of them is, more like a dog than a mouse is.

    if you are leaning more towards mice, look into rats instead.

  6. mouse... hamsters bite for no reason...

  7. Hamster!

  8. They are both friendly, as long as they are handled often.

    Although, like a previous poster, I've had dwarf hamsters and they always tended to bite.

    I've had mice before and they have never bitten at all. But they are small and quick. Mice like to be kept at least in pairs of females. Never male/male, and unless you want them breeding, don't get male/female. The best is to pick 2 females from the same litter/cage where you buy them.

    Also, if you are more timid and afraid that either mice or hampster might bite, get a pair of thin leather gloves when you're initially handling them. So that if they bite, you'd feel it, but their teeth won't break skin. I did that with my dwarf hamster. But for my mice, they were always very gentle and I could pick them up easily.

    Again, after the initial "calming period"(right after you take them home, give them about a week or so to adjust to new environment), they need to be handled, picked up often enough that they remember and don't become timid. They only bite when defending their home from "intruders" or if they are scared.

  9. mice but you need at least 2 since they are social while most hamsters arent.

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