
Which are safer- bmx-style bike helmets or nomal bike helmets?

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Which are safer- bmx-style bike helmets or nomal bike helmets?




  1. they both provide equal protection... its just what you prefer to wear..... if your talking about full coverage bmx(basically dirt bike helmets) than they are definetally the safest, but for everyday riding the other two are very safe.

  2. BMX style helmets generally have better puncture resistance but will make you sweat much more.

  3. It depends on how you plan to use them.  LOL  

    Bmx helmets have a hard shell which is very durable and much better at protecting you from hitting sharp edges or multiple impacts.  Their disadvantage is that most of them don't cradle your head as well....they sit there like a brain bucket.  If you don't have the strap adjusted snugly, then that loose-fitting helmet can slide off of your noggin on impact and leave you unprotected or cause neck injuries.

    Normal road/mountain helmets generally fit much better and are more comfortable (and cooler).  They usually have thicker foam, but only a very thin plastic film for a's only there to keep the helmet from disintegrating after a large impact.  The foam will crack and sometimes end up in pieces, so without that film it would fall apart and leave you unprotected for a second impact.  In bad crashes, it's not uncommon for riders to get bruises and cuts from the helmet foam as it gets crushed into their scalp skin.  Still better than not wearing a helmet, though!

    Almost all helmets are certified to protect you, but some are better than others for various reasons.  You can choose one that you like and be ok.  Just be sure to take the time to fit it to your head and be *sure* to adjust the straps properly...this will add to your comfort and safety.  

    If you like the hardshell idea, take a look at the Giro Flak/Makai helmets and the Bell Faction.  They have a little better design, imo.   I just picked up a Pro-Tec Ace Dig helmet and love it....might be my favorite helmet of all time next to my Giro Xen that I use on the mountain bikes.

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