
Which are some qualities in Obama should be in Hillary (in public relation)?

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and which are some qualities of Hillary should be in Obama ? it's theoreticaly possible though it's not something realistic.

Thank you.




  1. People like Obama because he's a charasmatic person, as well as a fantastic public speaker. While Hillary may have agreeable policies, not to mention much more experience than Obama, she's not as....easy to listen to?

    And as for qualities of Hillary that should be in Obama, well, I'd have to say experience.

    This is why Hillary and Obama would make such a great president/vp ticket.

  2. Charisma and eloquence since Hillary Clinton already have experience.

  3. dunno be friednly

  4. AGE and common sense!

  5. Once you realize that Barack Obama is the epitome of JFK there is nothing more to say/understand/vote for. This is being spoken of more and more.

  6. to his supporters Obama is the first black President. They want to prove to the world that we are not a bad country because we have a 'person of color' as prez. I don't think Hillary has any ability to do that.

  7. She could have Oprah who is buying herself a president on her side or she could learn how to preach. If he wins the nomination shame on you silly Americans

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