
Which are the 7 different states of matter?

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Which are the 7 different states of matter?




  1. There are a total of seven states of matter in the universe.

    The usual three states of matter that we are familiar with are solid, liquid and gas. All states of matter differ in terms of properties such as integrity of shape and vibrational rate of molecules. There are four more states of matter.

    The fourth state of matter above gas is plasma. Plasma is ionized gas. It is gas that is superheated to the point some of its electrons break away from their nuclei and join other nuclei. The gas molecules are in an unstable state and therefore behave in a haphazard and unpredictable manner. Stars are made of plasma Fire is plasma. It is powerful, dangerous and attractive at the same time.

    The fifth state of matter above plasma is beam. The difference between beam and the other four states is that the particles of solid, liquid, gas and plasma all move randomly in all directions whereas the particles of beam move harmoniously in one direction.

    Beam is harmonious and coherent whereas plasma is chaotic and erratic. The vast difference of temperament between the forth and fifth state of matter very well corresponds to the idea that there is greatest amount of chaos right before order, or there is greatest amount of confusion right before clarity appears. There is great war before there is great peace.

    Beam also differs from the other four states in terms of being non-thermal while the rest are thermal. The more energetic the vibrations of particles are, the more heat they would generate. But because the particles of beam are traveling in the same direction, they do not collide against each other to generate heat.

    Friction is the cause of heat. Friction is the result of particles colliding with each other and increasing their vibration or kinetic energy. Beam creates heat not in itself but when its particles clash against other matter. You feel the heat of light when its photons clash against the molecules of your skin. The greater the intensity of the beam and the more concentrated it is, the more friction it will generate when it interacts with other matter. You get incinerated when you get close enough to the sun.  

    Heat is vibration generated by friction of one state of matter with another or with itself. Sound is vibration propagating through matter.

    Other than these five states of matter, there is a state lower than all these states. It is the zero state of matter. The zero state of matter is known as the BEC or Bose-Einstein Condensate. It is the most condensed condensate of all matter.

    This state of matter was discovered by the scientist called Bose. He shared his findings with Einstein who helped him to publish his work to the world. Their joint venture resulted in the newly discovered state of matter being known as the Bose-Einstein Condensate.

    A BEC exists when matter is frozen to extremely low temperatures that are a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero.

    In this state, the atoms overlap into each other to form a wave. The BEC is a matter wave. If the wave was compressed, it would form a singularity. If enough mass was condensed into the singularity it could turn into a black hole.

    It is believed that the zero state of matter could lead to the development of flat space technology. In future, it might be possible to transport huge objects in very tiny spaces as long as they are not compressed beyond the critical mass which would result in a black hole.

    The occurrence of a black hole while making BEC would not need to be too much of a concern anyway because it would require a tremendous amount of energy to compress mass into the critical point.

    The zero state of matter, like the fifth state of matter, is also non-thermal. It does not emit heat as well since its particles are not in motion at all thereby not causing friction.

    Some elements of each state of matter are able to exist at room temperature. There are room temperature plasmas and matter waves (dark matter).

    So these are the six states of matter. But all things exist in sevens, since it is the nature of the universe to exist in sevens. The fifth state of matter is not the limit, there is a sixth state above it.

    Thought wave is the sixth state of matter. Thought wave exists at a higher energetic level than beam. Thought wave can move even faster than beam. It moves at the speed of infinity. It is at once here and at once there. Thought wave is local and nonlocal.

    The truth is, all matter is basically one and the same. All matter is different manifestation of thought wave or etheric matter. All other states are condensations of the highest state. Thought is consciousness, consciousness is mind. The Universal Mind is what all things ultimately consist of.

    Every single elemental type of matter has its own default state at room temperature. That is because it has a mind, consciousness or memory to exist in that state and have its corresponding properties. It is a mental programming present within the matter that arranges the atoms, molecules or subatomic particles in a particular manner.



    There are five main states of matter. Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates are all different states of matter. Each of these states is also known as a phase. Elements and compounds can move from one phase to another phase when special physical forces are present. One example of those forces is temperature. The phase or state of matter can change when the temperature changes. Generally, as the temperature rises, matter moves to a more active state.

    Phase describes a physical state of matter. The key word to notice is physical. Things only move from one phase to another by physical means. If energy is added (like increasing the temperature or increasing pressure) or if energy is taken away (like freezing something or decreasing pressure) you have created a physical change.

    One compound or element can move from phase to phase, but still be the same substance. You can see water vapor over a boiling pot of water. That vapor (or gas) can condense and become a drop of water. If you put that drop in the freezer, it would become a solid. No matter what phase it was in, it was always water. It always had the same chemical properties. On the other hand, a chemical change would change the way the water acted, eventually making it not water, but something completely new.

  2. solid





    zero state (BEC or Bose-Einstein Condensate)

    wave state


  4. i think their is only 4

    Plasma = Supper Heated Gas with atoms and electrons separated




  5. A state of matter is a class of materials-

    1} Solid,

    2) Liquid,

    3} Gas,

    4} Ionized Plasma,

    5} Quark-gluon plasma,

    6} Bose-Einstein condensate and

    7} Fermionic condensate are the 7 states of matter.

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