
Which are the best and safest suburbs in Adelaide, SA?

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Seriously thinking to move out of sydney I have 2 little children and I want a safe place for them but I don't know S.A It must be close to schools and have easy access to " job areas " (city). I need to move before the 20th of September.




  1. yeah north adelaide is ok but quite dear but considering u are from sydney it will most prob be cheap to u.

    just dont go to the northern suburbs cheap but not to safe.

    i would say the southern suburbs are the best

  2. Stay away from any supurb along grandjunction/hanson road, so Port adelaide to enfield. And stay away from salisbury/elizabeth area. go to for a road map. But you want to also stay away from norlunga, its just too far away. You can live in springfield if your willing to dish out a mill on a house, it IS a good area. I personally wouldnt suggest North Adelaide because its inner city and parking/traffics not always great, especially not the place for young ones. I believe its worth while checking out. Any beach side suburb like West beach, Henley Beach, Brighton, Westlakes etc are ideal for raising children, they usually have excellent local schools. Other places which dont have a wrap for being a bad area are Eastern adelaide, so from like norwood to blackwood. So basically you want to go directly west or east of the city. Or in close proximity to Tea tree plaza or Marion Areas. The rest is not that great.

  3. North Adelaide, North Adelaide, North Adelaide. TRUST ME!!!!!!!

  4. Most suburbs of Adelaide are safe. It really seems to depend on the person. Ever heard of the saying 'like attracts like". That means if you are friendly, non-aggressive etc., you will attract the same, if you are out looking for or causing trouble, then, it will find you. I must say tho, that there are some lovely suburbs beachside.   Or if you dont like the beach, then choose the Hills.Good luck.

  5. the Noarlunga area is safe and cheaper than alot of other places.

    I have lived ther my entire life and love it.

    Great beaches, great food, great schools (if you dont mind public) although there are a few private.  

  6. Netherby, Springfield

  7. Glenelg, Brighton, Hove, Warradale, Marion on the western side of Adelaide have good safety records, good schools and excellent transport links into the city.

    They also have good shopping and stable councils with many facilities.

  8. not elizabeth, glenelg is pretty good and so's mawson lakes but apparently the houses are made pretty poorly :\

  9. All of Adelaide is family friendly. The most upmarket areas are in the eastern/southeastern suburbs, but all the suburbs nearish the city are very nice. The places to avoid if possible are the far southern and far northern suburbs. Perhaps give us some idea of budget - do you prefer beach, trendy, leafy? Or perhaps an area you like in Sydney so we can recommend something similar?

  10. I live in south Adelaide and its a ideal place to raise a family don't go north. yes they have shops, schools.south near the beach city is good. south eastern is popular. don't go to north or to south

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