
Which are the best days to make a s*x to have a baby boy?

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Which are the best days to make a s*x to have a baby boy?




  1. december if you ask me

  2. you sound like borat the way you said that "make a s**y time" lol

    Technically there is no way to determine the s*x of your baby.

  3. mother should sleep towards his right hand side

  4. Having s*x on the day of ovulation or as close to ovulation as possible should give you the best chances of conceiving a baby boy. This is because the male sperm are faster and weaker, but female sperm are stronger and slower. The further away you are from having s*x to ovulation, the more chance the female sperm may have of reaching through the harsh vaginal environment and making it to the egg.

    Buying an ovulation predictor kit is probably a good idea in this case to do all you can to 'guide nature'. This will tell you 2-days ahead of when your body will release an egg so you can have s*x up until that day. There are no guarantees as you will know, but there's no harm in trying!

  5. On the day of ovulation or the day after is ment to increase the chances of a boy. This is due to male sperm being faster but dying sooner.

    It is not a sure fire way to have a boy, so don't get your hopes up.

    A baby is a blessing, no matter what the s*x

  6. there is no way to determine for sure, but i have read the closer you are to ovulation the better as male sperm swims fast, but dies off quicker than the slower girl sperm that survives longer

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