
Which are the best games for?

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  1. Well, I'll guess that you're asking what purpose the best games have? Most games are ends in themselves, with no purpose beyond entertainment. I wonder then, if what you mean is what are the best games good for?

    Everyone has a different idea of what the best games are. Some folk would say football, others poker. For myself, I would say that the best games are the Tarot family. Most folk don't realize that tarot cards were created for playing card games and that these games are still very popular in Europe (I believe it is the France's second most popular card game at the moment).

    So, what are they good for? Well, there is the entertainment value - they are basically good fun. Then there is the strategic element, all of them require some intelligence to play, so they get the brain working. Finally, they all very friendly, social games that lend themselves to most environments.

  2. Which are the best games for what?

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