
Which are the best routes, places to visit or stay motorcycle touring between St Malo, France, and Barcelona?

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I am going to take the Poole/St Malo ferry, and so far Michel Mont is the only place recommended. I am thinking of going to Bordeaux, then Pau, and doing a slight detour to Lourdes before heading up over the pyrannees to Ardenne and then Barcelona? Is it better to find accomodation in the cities late August or smaller villages? Are there any classic routes/roads that anyone can recommend? Many thanks for considerring the question and I'd be really grateful for any help you can provide.




  1. Bear in mind that France is on its national holiday in August and the end of the month will be busiest. Could be difficult to find accommodation in cities unless you pre-book.

    With regard to your route, the road from Toulouse to Barcelona via Andorra is nice - very picturesque but remember every idiot and his brother will be on the road and it is very winding - beware of overtakers on blind bends! Take the motorway south from Toulouse towards Montpellier, then the A66 towards Foix and Andorra. Well signposted route.

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