
Which are the best universities of Auckland, New Zealand?

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I would like to know which are the top universities of Auckland since I want to spend one semester studying there...





  1. I would suggest Auckland University which is in downtown Auckland.  There is also a university in Waikato that you might look into as well.

  2. there is only 1 real university in auckland, but lots of polytechnics so maybe you are thinking of those or UCOL. Otago uni is meant to be the best in the country as it has just won award things. It really depends on what you want to study cos different unis around the country have different specialities.

  3. kayjay is right, you should consider Canterbury (christchurch), Victoria (wellington) and Otago (dunedin) as other options, those are the "real" universities of new zealand along with Auckland and Massey, those 5 are what you should pick from, also Auckland and Victoria are both on hills, so if you pick either get used to walking up hills after you hit the town

  4. There is only one University of Auckland, located in Auckland NZ (CBD).  Other Universities have off-campus sites eg Massey Unviersity at Albany.  There maybe more off-campus uni's now.... as it's been a while since i've lived in Auckland.  

    My fave city for a Uni would be Dunedin.  Fun and energetic!  Who gives about hills or walking ... you just do it!

  5. Auckland University is the only proper academic university in Auckland. Waikato University that has been mentioned here is in Hamilton, about 2hrs drive south of Auckland.

    Have you considered studying in Welington (Victoria) Christchurch (Cantabury)or Dunedin (Otago) instead? Way more pleasant surroundings.

  6. Otago University and Auckland university - Great its in the city.

    i live in Auckland

  7. Define what you mean by "best"? Academia? parties?

    which one will lead to better things?

    I went to 2 classes in Auckland uni when I was considering

    going back to uni after 8 years of working. I was shocked.

    Some of the students gave presentations and what they

    were saying was complete rubbish compared to what really happens in business. And the professor - one of them was

    American did not even correct the students!


    Also Auckland Uni is on a hill - dont know how u will get to uni every day but some ppl dont like walking up hill.

  8. the university of Auckland is an internationally recognised institution, however you should specify what your studying as there are specialised art colleges and if your doing dental/nursing/medical Otago is the way to go

    you should also investigate how much it is for a semester, as each paper varies, and weather your credits are transferable to your current degree.

    if your not a NZ resident you may need to find how how much it is to study as an international student as it can but almost 10x more than a local

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