
Which are the capitalist countries ?

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Which are the capitalist countries ?




  1. There is no completely capitalist and completely free economy. Even the USA is not a pure fre market capitalist economy: it has impurities in the form of a large public / govt. sector, oligopolies and monopolies, a complex cobweg Govt. controls and rules that encourage corrution at certain places, besides lot of protection and subsidies.that influence resource allocation among sectors and exports/imports.

    However, USW still is by far the best available emperically close model of free market capitalist economy. BVut really speaking, the entire world is a spectrum of capitalist economies. All sorts of mixed economies are capitalist economies. China is a State (Cummunist PartyMonopoly) capitalist state, India has a freer market than China but still controlled and in critical sectors dominated by Govt. owned companies. IT is a capitalist economy with large State Capitalist and a large number of private capitalists. Even the small farmer in India is a small but protected capitalist monopolist.

    The entire Europe is capitalist with Govt capitalism relatively high in France and Germany, Italy and not so week Govt. capitalism in UK. Japan has always been a private-public-bureacracy shared  capitalism.

    Cuba is a single man (family) dictaror capitalism but very little of freemarket operation. CVapitalism in various forms rules the World.

  2. As an American; I can't think of any.

  3. There are several mixed economies based on market forces, but there are no capitalist countries in the world. There never have been.

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