
Which are the difference between spiritual, and religions?

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Which are the difference between spiritual, and religions?




  1. Nothing....

  2. Spirituality is about meditation, communicating with our gods, and other spirits astral projection, telepathy, levitation, opening and aligning the chakras, ESP, clairaudience, clairsentience, anything dealing with programing energy, anything dealing with the aura, chakras, or any part of our souls. Religion is the dogmas people come up with to try and suppress true spirituality and control the masses.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Religion is the politics of spirituality.

  4. Religion is text, dogma, and doctrine.  It's the "road rules" of a particular faith.

    Spirituality is personal; and based on your experiences and what you know and cannot know.

  5. religion is man made

    spiritual is the leading of your spirit toward the God the spirit.

  6. Everything!  People who don't know Christ think it's only religion based on doctrine.  But if you are saved by the blood of Christ, you know different.  Most religions are false so those people are not spiritual, only religious.

    You need to know the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be spiritual.

  7. Religion is practice.Spirituallity is a relationship.

  8. Religion is an organization of faith, while spirituality is personal and within ones self.

  9. First off: What is the difference between being spiritual, and being religious?

    Ok, take Christianity for example. What Jesus preached was spiritual. He said, know thyself, and love thy neighbor. He said, let go of material things, help the needy. He was preaching about love, truth, and knowledge. These are all things that aren't bound to any religion. Buddhism, Muslim, Wicca, whatever. They all preach the same basic idea. The difference however are the RULES. Religion sets in place rules and laws to 'organize' these ideas. Religion says what you can and can't do. Baptists can use birth control, but Catholics can't. That wasn't in the Bible, Jesus didn't say either way if he was for or against it. The Baptist interpreted it one way, the Catholics another. It puts limitations on an otherwise limitless idea: What if we were all just got along?

    Have an IDEA, not a BELIEF.


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