
Which are the friendliest people - Lancastrians or Yorkshiremen/women ???

by Guest59855  |  earlier

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I'm north-west Yorkshire born and bred and proud of it but Lancastrians seem easier going and friendlier than Yorkshire people sometimes - we can be very dry and a bit dour in Yorkshire it has to be said. They seem different over the border and I've been going there a lot since I got my Yorkshire passport renewed recently.




  1. Yorkshire people are who'd want to be from Lancashire anyway.


  3. I found york to be lovely when i woved there from just outside london. People in yorkshire seemed to say hello morning etc

  4. Not much to choose between them I think.....they are both more friendly than in the South....but being from Yorkshire I would have to say that Yorkshire is the more friendly.

  5. I'm not from either county but I've got some good mates both side of the border and I think they are both as friendly as each other ---with the exception of the border control in huddersfield

  6. I think this notion that Northern people are more friendly is quite cute. Prob born out of the fact that for many years the people of the north were poorly educated. Southerners are just as friendly but less personal, we tend to go about our business without the flat caps, mushy peas and head scarves.

    I think it must be aw full for people who live in the north having to go down those mines day after day and coming home to down pints at the working mans club.

  7. Im from Lancashire (o:

    And I dont think its where you are from that makes you friendly or not. Theres going to be nice people in Lancashire and in Yorkshire!

  8. Yorkshire!!!

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