
Which are the good gift stores in bangalore for a romantic gift?

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Which are the good gift stores in bangalore for a romantic gift?




  1. many places.. check ,this site can help u out to find a right place...

  2. Forum.............

  3. There are thousands of choice for you. It depends upon the your choice and budget. According to you, even a rose flower, will be a romantic gift, at the receivers end. You can give a gold ring or some other ornaments, if she wears or likes. A good set of designer dress, may bring romantic touch. A candle lit dinner, at a peaceful restaurant can be considered, as the temperature in Bangalore has come down, cool breeze, will bring more romantic atmosphere.

    Lot of big Malls and Dollars Shops are all around the Bangalore. You can select the one. You can give a real Karnataka touch, by presenting a " Sandal Wood " craft item, which you can buy at " Cauvery Emporium " on M. G . Road. The choice is yours, and you know exactly, what makes, your friend happy, and romantic. My best wishes to you.

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