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Tags: fish, largest, Ocean
The ocean is a habitat for large species of fish and will name ten including their average height and weight:
* Nile perch- averagely heights 5-6 feet and weighs 500 pounds
* Bull shark- averagely heights 11-11.5 feet and weighs 500 pounds
* Beluga Sturgeon- averagely heights 15-20 feet and weighs 4000 pounds
* Paddlefish- averagely heights 4-5 feet and weighs 60 pounds
* White Sturgeon- averagely heights 18-20 feet and weighs 1500 pounds
* Taimen- averagely heights 5-7 feet and weighs 230 pounds
* Arapaima- averagely heights 7-8 feet and weighs 330 pounds
* Alligator Gar- averagely heights 9-10 feet and weighs 350 pounds
* Mekong Giant Catfish- averagely heights 9-10 feet and weighs 600 pounds
* Giant Freshwater Stingray- averagely heights 9-10 feet and weighs 1300 pounds
Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago
Latest activity: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago. This question has 1 answers.